
"This is not going to end well for the court if it doesn't get its house in order or if Congress doesn't step up." -CREW's Virginia Canter on the urgency of ethics reform for the Supreme Court
White flags at SCOTUS: Experts fear partisan defeat for ethics Roadblocks continue to hamper efforts to address ethics concerns at the Supreme Court as the justices get pulled further into partisan politics.
We need to make their terms shorter. No more lifetime stuff.
There should be proposals to reduce the power of SCOTUS & to repeal swaths of court rulings tainted by corruption & bias.
Could someone discuss the possibility that decisions made by this SCOTUS can be ruled null and void, and precedent can be restored by a new or enlarged group of Justices.
It's probably simply too late. They won a long war and now they're going to extract the vengeance their patrons demand. These are the people that bowed down to and were happy to elevate Trump, they have hatred and vengeance at their core.
Doesn’t DOJ mean Department of Justice. Making all their decisions null and void and removal of rotten apples or expansion of court sounds like justice. DOJ do your job.
A good start would be firing the 4 judges who committed perjury during their confirmation.