
NYU students who participated in encampment are still currently banned from campus and must complete ‘reflection papers’ on why their behavior was ostensibly lacking integrity.
I don't understand at all. If they are Persona non grata, and they don't face criminal charges, what hold does NYU have over them to make them do this? Is that what it takes to make them Persona grata? Or is something else involved?
Off the top of my head : completing the very expensive degree they're part way through and won't get a refund on. (Don't actually know how US higher education works but probably something in that direction).
As I said, returning them to Persona grata. But the statement doesn't say that.
Here you go, it's further down the release 'The disciplinary letters for students subjected to both assignments note that “Failure to sufficiently complete this sanction will result in a censure being placed on your academic transcript.”'
What does that mean? "Valedictorian but thought criminal" With honours, but staunchly anti-genocide...
It's crazy-making. Done in such bad faith by NYU.