
this is genuinely the attitude this website and coward dem electeds need to internalize
I want them to weep when they lose. I want them to sit there, crying into their celebratory wines, knowing that they will never have power and that they will be a footnote in history. I want them laid low, to suffer the pains of knowing that they have lost, forever.
I don't like putting it this way, but everyone needs to learn how to hate. It was great when we didn't have to, and could imagine it was all a civil debate. But that's donezo; survival of democracy requires treating its enemies with just raw contempt, rage, scorn, and yes, hatred.
And sucks. It can curdle your heart, and make you mean. But I don't know. There's not a lot of room left for grace.
I also don't think the Democratic Party has it in them, tbh. Maybe they'll win anyway, maybe I'll be proven wrong. But there are very, VERY few elected Democrats who really seem to hate Trump and his cronies.
They still crave bipartisan comity with people who'd gleefully see them (and us) dead. That concerns me way more than our guy appearing out of it the other night.
Yeah - and like, I think it does suck to have to just hate everyone you work with, but that's government.
Also, I think a lot of them are genuinely pretty nice, well-meaning people and their hearts are too soft for the degree of hate that Republicans in this country deserve. Honestly, I'm too soft.