
this is genuinely the attitude this website and coward dem electeds need to internalize
I want them to weep when they lose. I want them to sit there, crying into their celebratory wines, knowing that they will never have power and that they will be a footnote in history. I want them laid low, to suffer the pains of knowing that they have lost, forever.
I don't like putting it this way, but everyone needs to learn how to hate. It was great when we didn't have to, and could imagine it was all a civil debate. But that's donezo; survival of democracy requires treating its enemies with just raw contempt, rage, scorn, and yes, hatred.
And sucks. It can curdle your heart, and make you mean. But I don't know. There's not a lot of room left for grace.
I also don't think the Democratic Party has it in them, tbh. Maybe they'll win anyway, maybe I'll be proven wrong. But there are very, VERY few elected Democrats who really seem to hate Trump and his cronies.
They still crave bipartisan comity with people who'd gleefully see them (and us) dead. That concerns me way more than our guy appearing out of it the other night.
Yeah - and like, I think it does suck to have to just hate everyone you work with, but that's government.
Also, I think a lot of them are genuinely pretty nice, well-meaning people and their hearts are too soft for the degree of hate that Republicans in this country deserve. Honestly, I'm too soft.
That's why the constantly burning fire in Elizabeth Warren's belly is so electrifying to me. It's lamentably rare in Democrats.
pretty clear the President does
He's got some contempt for sure, but idk, he's not really eager to express the degree of revulsion I need to see.
I don't intend to be mean but you just described yourself as "too soft" so maybe let us who have the real consuming hatred judge this
It reminds me of the paradox of tolerance – the one thing we must not tolerate is intolerance. The one thing we must hate is hatred.
i gotcha and i dont disagree, i just sometimes hafta fight it bc of my jedi teachings so i try to keep hate as a last resort. its just star war semantics so y'know
This is not the time for curling up in a fetal position and searching for a way to convince the right that they are being too mean and forceful over a cup of tea. If people aren’t stunned & scared & fully pissed off then they aren’t paying attention. This is a stand up and fucking fight moment.
i actually think it's the opposite. even if we pull this one out, we're going to have to figure out how to deradicalize a huge portion of our populace. this will involve patience and compassion for absolute assholes. i definitely do not have it in me.
We need a Black Flag Dems group. Tired of the doomerism.
Be the Mitch McConnell you want to see in the world.
Except for the spineless, chinless dickhead part.
Biden is the second Dem president in a row to take office with a clear mandate to destroy the Republican party for it's very obvious crimes and abuses, only to insist that a Return To Normalcy was far more important than justice, democracy, or the will of the people. All they care about is brunch.
The Iraq War should have been the end of the Republican Party. The financial crisis should have been the end. Neil Gorsuch should have been the end. Trump should have been the end. Covid should have been the end. Somehow the second chance well is bottomless.
Where do you find this "clear mandate"?
I don't think all of the dots and lines are there.
Trump and his insurrection crew should have been arrested on Biden's first day in office But look at the mess we have now Garland and Wray aren't worth it F
Oh I agree with that completely. I'm just not seeing a mandate to destroy an entire political party, and particularly a way that doesn't start a civil war. I think it's probably inevitable at this point, but I'm not interested in going full Stalinist and starting it like that.
Jesus, I meant electorally, and I feel like it's wild to read it otherwise. They should have been made politically untouchable, instead of letting Bush become a loveable grandpa figure while every media org slowly morphs into Fox News.
again, how?!? how do you do this?!?
Look man, I have no idea what you want here. I'm a human being, I can't game out thirty years of what-ifs. But I lived through Bush, I lived through Trump, I saw them get free passes for historic shit--Iraq, covid--that should have kneecapped Republicans for decades, b/c leadership wanted to move on
Still not seeing how we get there without a statistically impossible voter turnout that breaks completely in our favor.
I honestly forget who said it but someone once referred to LBJ stepping down as being probably the right move but also the Democrats losing their best sonofabitch when they were already short of them
And with Nixon waiting in the wings to throw any sense of decorum and decency out of the inner circle of the GOP.
Honestly, Lloyd Dogget can eat a bag of salted d---s.
Fuck these clowns. It’s our country too and we outnumber their sorry asses.
Oh they may think this shit will be bloodless, but they sow the wind.