
It's always weird to hear about white supremacists in like, Phoenix. Whenever I'm in that climate I feel very acutely the distinct disadvantages of the common Northern European phenotypes I possess
Imagine being a white supremacist skinhead in Bakersfield. Oh yeah genetically superior right that's why you can't stand outside for more than ten minutes in July without a hat without your brain boiling
A considerable percentage of IE and Central Valley nazis are Latino, though they generally identify as Hispanic. They dont necessarily suffer from the sun.
To the initial topic of this thread: Lot of Hispanic last names in the list of arrestees
Though I don’t know, are/were the Hells Angels ever explicitly white supremacist?
Yes, many chapters of the Hells Angeles were all white for years, and that is why rival crews like the Mongols and Bandidos started. It’s less true in the past 20 years.
They and other outlaw motorcycle clubs wore nazi insignia, but often more as an act of rebellion after WW2 than any allegiance to the ideology. But still. And everything was segregated. TIL. And it’s on page 15 of the linked pdf…the FBI hella cribbed Hunter S Thompson,
Ish. Theyre aligned with the AB in California prisons.
Sort of but if you're good at the running a criminal enterprise part it doesn't matter that much. German Hells Angels are funny like that. Some chapters are entirely Neo-Nazis and some are very migrant descent heavy depending on location. Get along just fine because money is most important
I am pale white and Hispanic.
Think I was conflating the Angels with the Aryan Brotherhood a bit there.