
VA Senator Mark Warner is a stupid piece of shit who is only harming the Democratic ticket by doing this shit in public & I am absolutely livid at him for this. He’s got concerns? Great. He can have a private conversation about it with anyone in the campaign or White House about it. Fuck this shit
He's also a rich fuck who doesn't know how to cook. Kamala had to teach him over Zoom how to make a tuna melt.
What? MFer couldn’t figure that out for himself? Lame!
What is the anger here about? I genuinely don’t get it.
Having a party wide public freak out damages party unity, damaged whatever candidate is at the top of the ticket, is time not spent talking about the convicted felon rapist coup plotter wannabe dictator who’s defeat should be the only thing we’re talking about 24-7.
Warner I assume knows people in the White House or campaign he could talk to about his concerns. Doing this in public is no different (even if the issue of Biden’s competency is more serious) than spending 2016 fixated on email security or in ‘04 whether Kerry *really* earned a Purple Heart or not
You see the Tik Tok that goes around sometimes w/the lawyers talking about “Shut the Fuck Up Friday”? We’re doing the thing where you start babbling and confessing all your crimes to the cops instead of getting a grip and refusing to talk to anyone but your lawyer
It's like when I was XO of a ship, I'd call the Captain an asshole to his face, but in public 100% support
It is for all the reasons shared. It is an incredible own-goal, gives breathless "disarray" coverage, and helps no one. Getting a group together? Fine, okay. But you do it in private. If he can't come up with the people and this is to put pressure, he has no support to ask Biden to step down.
There is one unfit person running for President. The question that everyone needs to ask if how to avoid a murderous doctator. This isn't it, and is part of the fucking problem.