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PhD in Yo Momma
I'm working on buying the rights to the name "fat boy slim" so I can bring it back
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music video excellence is still being achieved in this era
Listening to "is this it" (full album) with my nieces and nephews and they're loving it. Just wait until you have a small amount of coke that is some but not enough. Shit goes bandanas
So many of our celebrities are involved with being mad (at them or them mad at something else) it's nice to have a celebrity who looks like the guy who says "its that one" when you're at a party trying to figure out which cooler has beer
I'll also say that as of writing I like jason kelce in that I don't know shit about his opinions and whenever I am forced to know about him, it's just "hey here's a guy who looks like a guy." I am in a headspace where I am willing to accept that knowledge
Went to wawa today and discovered jason and Kylie kelce have collabed on some sandwiches for this years hoagie fest. The one I got was not a revelation but was pretty damn close to what I'd order anyway (essentially an Italian with sweet peppers and hot honey). I'd put my name on it
I'm studying to become a chanteuse
To win over the American public, Joe Biden will stream a live tiering of DBZ characters. Experts are already saying it could come down to where he places Gohan
Guys. It's time to get frigging serious about this election. I am going to fight like hell. Out in the streets. No quarters. No price is too high for our country. Whatever your beliefs, I don't care, we need to get out and vote for our next president. Because right now everything depends on it.
Thinking about totally ruining my chances with my wife this week by referring to sex while we're at my parents' house as "an away game"
The east coast is lovely but I need to get back to California. I feel like that pregnant frog lady on the mandalorian. My whole species will go extinct if I don't drink a Racer 5 soon
Tried to impress my nieces/nephews with a surprise Xbox game but the absolute dogs dick Xbox live services has fucked me
Was going to go to the library to see if I could find the true name of another demon to wear the bidenskin. But of course they closed early due to budget cutbacks!!!!
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the sky crashed at Planet Hollywood
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Some great news- I have been asked to join the PENIS club at school
Donkey Kong Country is a hell of a game
im in the poison swamp. threre are guys throwing huge rocks at me from way up. theres dudes on kites swooping down to kill me. and theres 100000 monkeys with swords who want my ass Dead
Link is the character you play. Zelda is the video game.
Watching sports on the east coast sucks so much. Hard to believe real sports fans would even live in this time zone
The copa refs are so unfair to the US. Which I can understand
Having a "viral" post on bluesky means opening a Pandora's box of 100 humorless replies and one at the bottom that is deservedly literal
There is I moved to Europe 20 years ago and spend most of my time applying public international law, Swiss law, Dutch law, Japanese law, EU law, English law, and even Islamic Sharia. It's a shame about US federal law, but it was ruined a century ago & repaired, so maybe we can fix it again
Sorry to all my lawyer friends who spent a bunch of time learning how law works in the US. I had friends who were Flash developers and things turned out alright for them after they pivoted to C# or whatever. Hopefully there's an equivalent for our national legal system
All the kids are asking me to make a treasure hunt and I'm wondering if it's too much if I tell them the prize is popsicles that will melt more the longer it takes them
I don't know if anyone listened to this part of the last mission impossible but the idea is that a sub sunk to the bottom of the ocean and it has a computer with the heart of the worlds most dangerous AI. That's what I think they should do with the something awful database
I have been contacted by several former Twitch employees able to confirm that prior to his 2020 ban Dr Disrespect posted cap
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Sucks when you find a guy named "EroticGent" but his page is all reposts of old tumblr dom porno and not his original thoughts. I'm a family man I can't be scrolling this. Guess I'll go check in on some of my other freaks
I was paddling with my small son out of our inlet and toward the bay and he said "the farther we go, the bigger the waves's like a video game"