
She/her die nog steeds niet weet wat ze in haar bio wil zetten.
Eric Lars Martinsen
Eric Lars Martinsen
#edtech #ungrading #collegewriting #communitycollege @Ventura_College @CalCommColleges
Warwick Anderson
Warwick Anderson
Critical histories of science and medicine, science studies, postcolonial endeavours. New book on modern excrementalities: Spectacles of Waste (Polity). Writing mostly on disease ecologies and planetary health now. Living on Wangal country.
Music, education, existential dread, momentary glimmers of hope for a better world.
The HPS Podcast
The HPS Podcast
Podcast discussing all things history, philosophy and social studies of science. Hosted by Samara Greenwood and Carmelina Contarino. Supported by The University of Melbourne.

Posts by
Anthony Hay
Anthony Hay
Headed into the abyss, at top speed, on the same bus as you.

Devon, Little England, UK
Brad Weldon
Brad Weldon
Gardener, movie lover, privacy lawyer, likes food, wine, and baseball. 🇨🇦 Canadian. YIMBY. A settler on W̱sáneć territory. 🇺🇦 🏳️‍🌈
Wood Man
Wood Man
knows a thing or two about machine learning (phd) 🤖 flight free ❌️🛩 car free ❌️🚗 vegan-curious 🥕 covid cautious 😷
Leo Levinsky
Leo Levinsky
Vote for people who want to live in a democracy.

@[email protected]

Anna Mills
Anna Mills
Writer, teacher, obsessed with AI, OER advocate.
Mark Coeckelbergh
Mark Coeckelbergh
Philosopher of technology | Professor at Philosophy Department University of Vienna | Author of AI Ethics, The Political Philosophy of AI, and Why AI Undermines Democracy |
Boaventura DaCosta
Boaventura DaCosta
Ph.D. studying cyber awareness, digital literacy, game studies, and special education | Google Scholar ORCID | Posts are my own
Tomi Kokkonen
Tomi Kokkonen
Philosopher of Science, Technology and Society (Helsinki Uni)
Canadian living in The Maritimes! Lover of all things fermented, boardgames, cooking, and the outdoors. He/Him
Chris Lindgren
Chris Lindgren
Assistant Professor of Technical Communication, Virginia Tech
Dr. Damien P. Williams: The Birthday Beast
Dr. Damien P. Williams: The Birthday Beast
Read threads

Asst. Professor of Philosophy & Data Science, UNCC
Degrees in Science, Technology, & Society; Philosophy; Religious Studies
Thinking on Algorithms, 'A.I.,' Human Values, Marginalized Lived Experiences, Magic/Occult, Pop Culture
Morgan Thompson
Morgan Thompson
Philosopher of Science. Post-doc at Cornell. Interested in measurement, technology, data ethics, and social change. Enjoys games, sci fi, cats. She/her 🩷💜💙
Sharon Crasnow
Sharon Crasnow
Philosopher of social science. Feminist philosophy of science, traveler Regina Mueller Regina Mueller
She/her, Department for Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, Goettingen University Medical Center / Institute of Philosophy, University Bremen. #philosophy #bioethics #digitalethics #feminism. Founder of JMED and FME.
Joshua Earle Ph.D.
Joshua Earle Ph.D.
Ass Prof of STS @ UVA
Communications Director for SPT
AOCs: Phil Tech, Disability Studies, Med Hums, Bioethics, Hist of Eugenics, Transhumanism
I teach engineers what the stuff they build does to people.
Infrequent poster, frequent reposter.
Samantha Brennan
Samantha Brennan
Philosopher, feminist, ethicist, cyclist.
Dean, College of Arts, University of Guelph.
My pronouns are she/her.🌈
Alan Richardson
Alan Richardson
Professor of Philosophy, UBC
Jane Dryden
Jane Dryden
Philosophy prof in a tiny town in New Brunswick. Intellectual magpie writing about vulnerability, autonomy, disability, feminist philosophy, German idealism, gut microbiome, neurodiversity. she/her.
Scott Edgar
Scott Edgar
Professor of philosophy.
End of list.