Jane Dryden

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Jane Dryden


Philosophy prof in a tiny town in New Brunswick. Intellectual magpie writing about vulnerability, autonomy, disability, feminist philosophy, German idealism, gut microbiome, neurodiversity. she/her.
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Someone giving a literal keynote critiquing the history of eugenics, while unmasked, at a conference with no precautions. I wish it were a joke.
I’m going to a conference next week with 3300 attendees. A pile of folks I know who’ve been to conferences this summer have come home with COVID. I’ve got a good-fitting mask, nasal spray, an Aranet CO2 monitor… wish me luck.
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Hire my team! For transcription and closed caption services! We are very good and at no point in our process do we use AI! Get your 100% human made text representations of audio here!
We've worked with researchers, authors, museums and large institutions for many years. Find out how we can help you & get a no-obligation quote today at academicaudiotranscription.com 🎬 Thanks for the recommendation @pedrolgodoy.bsky.social!
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Reposted byAvatar Jane Dryden
So a thing about AI is that, not understanding the material itself, it cannot understand what the gap is in someone else’s understanding. Students already have access to materials that will repeat important points over and over. They don’t need more.
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i want to add: if you’ve stopped masking for whatever reason, you can start again. it makes spaces more accessible, it helps preserve your health and the health of the people around you. it’s a tiny action you can take to make the world safer.
"If only I could do something that would have a positive impact on the world-" You can. Mask up.
Today is my last day as Associate Prof; tomorrow I get to delete the "Associate" from my email signature & just be Professor.
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A 🧵about safer conferencing during the pandemic. In addition to encouraging people to wear N95s indoors, what can conference organizers do to reduce spread (besides go online...)? Some thoughts based on seeing conferences of 300ish become significant spreaders of COVID-19 in 2022-24: 1/3
Reposted byAvatar Jane Dryden
Ever wondered how AAT got started? Learn how our founder Zara Bain is making work accessible for all in our new blog post on the AAT origin story: academicaudiotranscription.com/2024/02/15/closing-the-disability-employment-gap-the-aat-origin-story 🚀
I will grumpily admit that I have been enjoying two collaboration projects I’m currently doing but mostly I would like to hide in a hidey hole by myself.
why is “working in groups” the worst thing in the world and why is my job so full of it? I am a philosophy prof; please let me be alone with my books and cats. (this message brought to you by ongoing committee and program directing work)
why is “working in groups” the worst thing in the world and why is my job so full of it? I am a philosophy prof; please let me be alone with my books and cats. (this message brought to you by ongoing committee and program directing work)
Reposted byAvatar Jane Dryden
I'm heartbroken most days but there's so much to do; I want to hope people will move in solidarity. I hope people start masking again. Even if you feel weird, even if you begin imperfectly, even if you don't "feel" you need to. If you stopped masking you can always start again. Please please do.
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“UW researchers found that ChatGPT consistently ranked resumes with disability-related honors and credentials — such as the ‘Tom Wilson Disability Leadership Award’ — lower than the same resumes without those honors and credentials.”
ChatGPT is biased against resumes with credentials that imply a disability — but it can improvewww.washington.edu UW researchers found that ChatGPT consistently ranked resumes with disability-related honors and credentials — such as the “Tom Wilson Disability Leadership Award” — lower than the same...
OK, so I never played any of the Dragon Age games because when they started coming out I was freshly in a tenure track academic job and had no time for anything that wasn’t exhaustedly staring into space and/or replaying Morrowwind. Please give me your tips and suggestions — I’ll be playing on PC.
Reposted byAvatar Jane Dryden
"oh yeah well without cops who will protect us from violent predators" dunno man but definitely not these dudes www.washingtonpost.com/investigatio...
Reposted byAvatar Jane Dryden
📣📚🎉 It’s official!! I signed a contract to edit my third & final anthology in a trilogy, DISABILITY VULNERABILITY! I can’t wait to do a deep dive on how precarious disabled life is in an ableist world. Many thanks to my agent Julia Kardon of HG Literary and editor Anna Kaufman
Reposted byAvatar Jane Dryden
there are frequent reminders that palestinian lives just don’t count in the west, but an operation that killed 200+ to save 4 hostages being celebrated like it’s a success is a visceral one
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Reposted byAvatar Jane Dryden
Happy Pride Month to everyone else who is also chronically ill and high risk and unable to participate in Pride Month festivities because folks won't mask. I see you. Your love is still valid. And to everyone else who can safely attend events this month, please mask up.
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I'm at a workshop this week where the organizers are COVID-cautious. There are two air filters going in the room, and we've had several shared meals outside. Most people are wearing masks. I feel so relaxed here -- such a change from most conferences lately where I grab a takeout meal to eat alone.
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I'm seeing saneist ableism used to describe Nikki Haley writing genocidal death messages on missiles. On behalf of myself, a crazy person with brain damage, don't link insanity to genocide. In fact, many genocidal people are perfectly sane. That's what's so terrifying.
Reposted byAvatar Jane Dryden
We have… not met our £4K target for May income or our £6k target for June. By rights, we should be closing but we’ve had just enough interest in the pipeline to give it another month. We still badly need your help to boost bookings & income—email us for a quote today
‼️Help save AAT We post this with heavy hearts. Our future beyond March hangs in the balance, and we're crowdfunding for our survival. Please help us keep AAT alive www.gofundme.com/f/help-save-...
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Reposted byAvatar Jane Dryden
Reposted byAvatar Jane Dryden
I know the asks are endless but this one has not gotten very much love. Karam is 23 and trying to get him and his mom who has serious health issues out of Gaza. You can find his insta on his page with photos of his life before and after October ❤️
Hello everyone, I am Karam Al Nabih from Gaza. All my dreams have been shattered now in Gaza. I am a software engineer in my last semester, but now my home, my dreams, and my university have been destroyed. I hope you can help me and share my link to many people 🇵🇸💔 gofund.me/7c433301
Help Karam and his family rebuild their life, organized by Ziad Okashagofund.me Dear compassionate people, Meet Karam Rafiq Al-Nabih, a resilient 23-year-ol… Ziad Okasha needs your support for Help Karam and his family rebuild their life