
Oh my god, this is fucking huge. It was huge when we developed a daily PrEP pill that could prevent you from catching HIV; this is a successful phase III trial of a PrEP shot that will only need to be given *twice a year*. Still needs a confirmatory Phase III, but holy fuck.
We could be the last generation to even live with HIV. Gilead, do the right thing, please. Make tiny, tiny profits on each shot and make it available for a globally attainable price. 8 billion shots twice a year still brings in a lot of money for many, many years.
Even if just 1 billion x 20 years! Get it mandatory for direct care or any blood/body fluids contact. A bigger community acceptance between the cover of “job requires it” -and- “Not out of the closet” or “sexually promiscuous”. We’re still struggling with HPV vax acceptance cause “sex = bad”.
Is it too much to get hopes up? I've been waiting since the days of VaxGen.
I hope for this too, but Gilead hasn't got a good history on doing that for previous drugs, as I recall. This is a chance for them to be heroes. Step up, Gilead.