
Oh my god, this is fucking huge. It was huge when we developed a daily PrEP pill that could prevent you from catching HIV; this is a successful phase III trial of a PrEP shot that will only need to be given *twice a year*. Still needs a confirmatory Phase III, but holy fuck.
We could be the last generation to even live with HIV. Gilead, do the right thing, please. Make tiny, tiny profits on each shot and make it available for a globally attainable price. 8 billion shots twice a year still brings in a lot of money for many, many years.
Even if just 1 billion x 20 years! Get it mandatory for direct care or any blood/body fluids contact. A bigger community acceptance between the cover of “job requires it” -and- “Not out of the closet” or “sexually promiscuous”. We’re still struggling with HPV vax acceptance cause “sex = bad”.
Is it too much to get hopes up? I've been waiting since the days of VaxGen.
I hope for this too, but Gilead hasn't got a good history on doing that for previous drugs, as I recall. This is a chance for them to be heroes. Step up, Gilead.
Saw this and cried a little. There are so many people I wish could be here to see it too.
God, I know. One day I will be able to see advances in HIV transmission prevention and not have to struggle not to cry, but that day is not today
Hooboy same. This is fantastic, but it doesn’t do much for the holes where we lost people. But I’ll take the “not lose anyone else” any day.
I really hope that a) the confirmation pans out, and b) it becomes available in pharmacies rather than requiring a physician appointment.
And they push it heavily not just to the queer community or the sexually promiscuous but also for direct-care professionals. As well as people with travel visas to higher risk countries. Much easier to get people to keep up if it’s not framed as a sex proclivity like the recent M-Pox outbreak.
True. Also here is where I admit something: When I went to get my mpox vaccination, there was an attractive man about my age also there waiting for one, and I briefly debated asking him out, because, statistically...
Or the foot-dragging reluctance of (often evangelical) parents to get teens inoculated against HPV, especially boys who can carry it with little or no symptoms.
Meanwhile, I was out there trying to find someone willing to give me the HPV vaccination sequence. The exact numbers might be different, but it was something like I was 23 when it became available for men up to 21, then 28 when it became available to 26, etc. Finally got it ~10 years ago.
The waiting room for my mpox vaccine was like a grindrcon lol
And drug users and people in roles that provide support for drug users, to catch those needle-borne infections.
Marking that one under “we live in the future, flying cars were a shitawful idea anyways”
100%. 0 seroconversions, n=2134. 0.0 per 100 person-years. p<0.0001.
0 seroconversions, N=2134, among sexually actively cisgender women in Uganda. Controls were other forms of PrEP (since placebo would be unethical): daily emtricitabine/tenofovir as Descovy had 39/2136, 2.02 per 100 person-years; as Truvada had 16/1068, 1.69 per 100.
Just look at those fucking numbers, Courtney. LOOK AT THEM.
I KNOW. They were comparing against existing daily PrEP because placebo would be unethical and it outperformed CONSIDERABLY. 0.0/100. n=2134. Just, my god.
(was part of the outperformance attributable to difficulty in adhering to a daily med? because that part alone seems huge!)
That's definitely part of it, I'd guess! Perfect adherence is so hard!
I would guess so. You could compare it to the difference in birth control effectiveness between condoms and something long term like NuvaRing, Depo, or even implants or IUDs. It reduces the gap between perfect use and typical use.
Growing up in the age when sex = death for so many people, and it hung over us all like some sort of grinning spectre, I...I'm honestly just beside myself.
I know! So many emotions!!
This really is immense on several levels. Not just for HIV, but when it comes to developing further protection from the negative effects of viruses in general, including COVID. Even PrEP was a huge step forward and still relatively new.
The "cure for AIDS" as a concept has always been treated as a vague future thing in a ton of near-future and scifi things as an example of the world being different, so something like this, looking like we're reaching that point, is just fantastic.
And anyone else who tries to be an obnoxious pedant going "But this isn't a CURE 🤓" is getting a block for not being able to read the whole fucking sentence where I just said that.
if it's this good at keeping it from preventing new infections, I wonder if it will help existing infections? Well I guess that's what trials are for.
We have antiviral drugs that will reduce viral load to undetectable! But they are all much frequent dosage and as far as I know there hasn't been much luck in reducing the frequency.
Once every two months is pretty good tho
We have a lot of diseases that don't have a "cure". We don't have small pox because of prevention of spread with a vaccine. not a cure. This isn't being called a vaccine but if it stops the spread it does the samw work socially if not scientifically.
Yes, it’s so exciting! I’m also hoping this leads to advancements in ME/CFS treatment (as certain ART protocols help some people…and there are connections between ME and HIV!)
Remembering my middle school “sex Ed* teacher saying. The only way AIDS goes away is if everyone with it got sent to the moon to due (paraphrasing)
Not gonna lie, I'm crying now.
One day I will be able to hear news of advances in HIV transmission prevention without crying, but that day is not today
Same, I just can't believe where we are now versus where we were thirty years ago.
I don't think I ever will be able to. I grew up in 80s theater kid just outside of New York City so I was only community- adjacent but I think I'll always be bitter and angry at what went down.
I was in theatre school in NYC in the mid-90s, and ditto.
100%!! incredible. must be so much easier to manage 2x a year.
Good Lord, if it works as it seems to this could mean the end of HIV/AIDS in a decade or two. These researchers deserve a Nobel prize, or whatever medical researchers get.
make if free, make it widely available, push it massively. Across globe. To start. In an ideal world.
This is amazing on its own, AND it has implications for viruses like COVID and EBV. All around beautiful.