
Also: Federal law is a floor, not a ceiling. The Court ruled that people CAN be ticketed, not MUST be, and did not make a ruling that forces munis to do this. As frustrating as it is, this is back to the states and towns now, and means getting on your city council’s ass and not letting go.
They don't have an inside to go to. This is "increase jail population and slave labor" ruling.
100%. This ruling wouldn't matter if every level of govt were responding to the housing and shelter problems.
The thought of doing that to anyone when they're already having the worst time of their life is just unfathomable. I bet the UK tries to follow suit though
The state and other agencies have been lying for years here in Utah that their hands were tied by the ruling. Now it's time to show up and demand that they address the problems they claimed they could 'if only for the courts'.
OF course they were lying. Easier to lie to the public than actually do their jobs.
I'm not sure where to go from here in KY. The KYGA voted a bill into law earlier that made "camping" illegal, allows homeowners to shoot people they think might be squatting, screws charitable bail payments, makes KY a 3-strike state, & OKs harming shoplifters.
I honestly expected them to go full batshit and require tickieting.
If we don’t prevent them from going that route, yes, they will, so itis our job to set aside the 4 or 6 hours a month to police our city councils and be the pain in their ass demanding they live up to the low expectation to not be a monster. Also, it’s cheaper to buy/build housing than incarcerate.