
Why, NO, renegade pseudo-Dems, I don’t want your reality TV fako primary. We have a perfectly good candidate and a strong 25th amendment. Stop fucking around, poseur-Dems.
Hey you guys wanna see the dumbest plan to replace Biden possible?
I don't want Biden to be president either if I get a choice in the dem candidate, but I don't get a choice in the dem candidate anymore, as far as I know. Playing a game show to replace him is not a serious idea.
If they wanted to primary him, they had that chance starting in January. If it was a bad idea then, it’s still a bad idea. Nothing has changed except Biden got a cold and his staffers wouldn’t listen when he told them to back off. To me that says fire staffers, not fire the candidate.
I'm really mad at him for a lot of reasons but I see nothing but ratfuck every which way I turn. Which tells me he can still beat Trump and people know it and can't have that.
I think a lot of the inappropriate whimsy in journalism lately is people realizing suddenly and much too late that the people of the United States don't REALLY pick who is president in many ways, and that's hard to realize for the first time, surely that's not the system working as planned.
It's not a great feeling, it's a hard pill to swallow that participation at 100% can still result in shit you would never choose, but the answer isn't to spin fairy tales, it's electoral reform.
"Why, No, Mister Blue-Dog.... I would NOT like to have a clown-chaos-car of a convention where people actually throw up their hands at the party's antics when the entire democracy at stake, just so you can engage in very public ego-stroking of yourself in front of everyone...."
Seriously, right?? Did his dad work too many hours when he was a kid? SO much attention-seeking. Like a badly socialized labrador retriever.
Okay, so maybe I went overboard. But why else would somebody go for removing a candidate unless they had ulterior egotistical motives? It's not like anybody besides Harris can access the money, and that's not even bringing up what a clown show such a convention would turn out to be.
How about this person puts some of his energy into volunteering or phone banking?
Seriously, right?? He sounds like an EXHAUSTING person to be around.