Sean Dague

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Sean Dague

Software Dev IBM quantum; Citizens Climate Lobby volunteer State Coordinator for NY. Software, Climate, Science, Democracy. he/him. Born @ 330pm CO2.
0.8 inches of rain in 10 minutes at our house 🏡😧😧😧 Climate change driven storms are no good
It's the "Storm Tracks" setting. That gives you the cones of storm direction (and icons for types). The cross hatches in the cones are 5 minutes travel time. So you can get a sense of when it will likely hit you. I use that a lot for thunder storms.
Toronto, this afternoon. Co-worker glad to have not gone into the office today. #ClimateChange
This storm around Albany is bonkers! Hope folks stay safe there.
Just had a work meeting end early because one of the key folks was outside of Albany, and got a push alert to shelter in his basement because of a Tornado Warning. Climate change, I do not like.
Just had a work meeting end early because one of the key folks was outside of Albany, and got a push alert to shelter in his basement because of a Tornado Warning. Climate change, I do not like.
The Irene storm track was mostly to sea until the end. The gulf storm doing this kind of damage is pretty new. Ida was the first time I remember it.
I do which Elie Mystal was over here, he's a voice I definitely miss by not being on Twitter anymore.
New caterpillar just dropped. Looks like a stick. Was eating *the flower* on a plant in the front of the house. Had not seen this one before.
I love that our drive in has a pre-roll for movies that's probably from the 1960s. With lots of "buy our concessions" that's just generic enough to still work.
Our town Lake is closed for a couple of days because a new storm tore through there, causing tree damage. We left basically as this storm started. Climate change ruins summer fun.
Family drive in night, Inside Out 2.
Update, another cell, nearly as large. 1.55 inches of rain in about 1.5 hours.
We just received 0.8" of rain in 30 minutes. Which is now normal summer storm cells. Do not like.
Look, I know heat pumps are magic, but it still strikes me as remarkable how much less energy the new heat pump water heater uses.
Because of the Heat Wave, my daughter is getting dismissed at 11:15am both Thursday and Friday from school. She might have 1 full day of school left on Monday (Tuesday is last day, and it was already early dismissal). Given the lows, that seems unlikely, as that building will be too hot Monday.
A critical part of the NY Climate Superfund Act (waiting for Gov's signature) is what the funds can be used for. Which includes installing efficient cooling systems for schools. Critical piece of legislation on a week that NY schools are closing due to the heat way.
Our district is doing early dismissal Thursday and Friday because of the heatwave. The highschool has AC, but a lot of the other schools do not. It's our first climate heatwave dismissals.
I received the best Father's Day card this year. 💗
When they first installed the water heater, the first tank was in hybrid mode to heat up, we're now in heat pump only mode. You can see very clearly power usage of old vs. new for the heat pump water heater. Old ~4.5kW draw, new ~400W draw. It runs longer, but still is using about 1/3 the energy
Summer heat wave coming to the Hudson Valley next week, wouldn't be surprised if we break 100 degrees.
I have added another heat pump to my life
A T-shirt in the wild at #CCL2024! Excited for this electrification panel.
Love this message about climate action from #CCL2024
Love that 's wonderful climate art being used in front of 1032 volunteers at #CCL2024 to show the incentives to electrify.
Love the hat that we got at the #CCL2024 conference
The NY Climate Superfund Act that just passed both houses, is good climate news y'all. Polluters need to pay for the cleanup of their pollution, superfund case law well establishes that. This makes that apply to climate pollution.
It's train time 🚆 , as I head to #CCL2024 climate conference and lobby day. I'll be taking Amtrak plus metro in DC today. Because trains are awesome 😎.
Speaking of trains, it's kind of a travesty that the Metro North commuter line here is still Diesel. Other lines have electrified, reducing both pollution and noise. I can hear these trains 6 miles away at my house some nights.
Love to see it. This is the climate superfund act in NY, which will charge some of the largest climate polluters for their pollution over the past 20 years to pay for climate adaptation and resiliency in the state. A similar Law also just went into effect in Vermont last month.
Pulling out my suit for DC. I got married in it 18 years ago, now it basically just gets pulled out for climate lobbying. Looking forward to my 3 lobby meetings next week. Will post pics during the trip. Excited that I get there fully by train!