Zelnut β˜•πŸ‰βœŠ 🚩🏴

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Zelnut β˜•πŸ‰βœŠ 🚩🏴


My body is a machine that turns lisdexamfetamine into RESULTS.
Regicide enthusiast. Seminary grad. Big fan of Christ, not so much "Christians." Abortion, gay, trans and disability rights. Nationalize Amazon, telecom and medicine. Perl developer.
Fascism is some intellect-bypassing primate brain shit, as we were warned. Dems anonymously telling the press it's over aren't making realistic political calculations, they're experiencing near-religious awe that someone came for the big man and then the big man stood up and made his angriest face.
This. This. This a thousand times
The reason that the language of domestic abuse and the language of authoritarianism looks the same is because it's just the same thing on a different scale.
Project 2025 authors at the Heritage Foundation are already alleging the next election will be stolen, claiming any result other than a Trump victory in November will have been the result of fraud and will be challenged.
[screaming] [Screaming] [SCREAMING] [FUCKING SCREAMING] So now my DAUGHTER is in the ER, which makes everyone in the family all in a 3 week period.
In all seriousness: the very idea that someone can take highly classified documents, store them in a public place, defy any number of requests, subpoenas, etc., and then face NO CONSEQUENCES AT ALL is genuinely shocking, and should terrify anyone who cares about national security.
My kid waking up twice last night just made me aware of how blessed I am that this almost never happens.
When I got jumped in March 2016 at a Trump rally by Neo Nazis and Trump cheered it on from the stage the Democratic mayor issued a statement about violence on both sides and the ACLU supported Trump’s right to yell at people to attack me. Stop looking to institutions to protect you from fascists.
I've missed the mini crossword several times this week, but I refuse to give the NYT one red cent, so I guess I get to miss them. :-(
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
Have we done this one yet
the "violence shook this previously peaceful white christian nationalist rally railing against the vermin tainting the blood of the country" stories are going to destroy me
What they mean is that the "temperature" is raised whenever people say accurate things about Republican candidates and their policies. It is everyone's civic duty to repeat Republican falsehoods.
Seen a lot of comments like β€œhey Americans who support democracy, oppose political violence, and value truth, we have to take the temperature down,” and while well-intentioned, I don’t think it’ll work, because they’re not the ones raising the temperature.
Does Ratatouille secretly take place in the Ben and Me expanded universe?
richard simmons and dr ruth were the butt of constant jokes but in retrospect they were probably two of the best people in american public life in the 1980s
On Saturday a wholesome afternoon of fantasizing about concentration camps and plotting to overturn the coming election was disrupted by violence
Stop telling us the political rhetoric is becoming too violent if you’re too cowardly to mention who, exactly, is making it so.
This is how you do it.
There are, I believe, two Joe Biden conversations and they’re overlapping unhelpfully imho. One is people with legit moral concerns. The other is sponsored by the NYT and is But Her Emails 2.0. They’re not the same thing, I don’t believe.
MSNBC just interviewed a Trump supporter who was at the rally and she said β€œThere is too much hate” and we need to pray for the country. She is wearing a β€œKnow Your Parasites” t-shirt. These people have no self awareness.
Political violence always benefits authoritarians because liberals will always condemn it and authoritarians, regardless of whether they are perpetrators or victims, will always use it to claim more power.
Take a lesson from the billionaires and corporations: It's infinitely cheaper to buy off politicians and judges than it is to operate legitimately within this corrupt system. We gave Bernie 211M in 2020. We should have just used that money to buy off Clarence Thomas. $267K is a pittance.
Clarence Thomas, a $267,000 RV, and Why American Health Care Suckswww.rollingstone.com Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas got an RV from a top health insurance executive. Then he protected the industry.
let the record show, the left is REALLY UPSET ABOUT THIS SHOOTING I don't want anyone saying the left is celebrating this
Just sign off. Truly.
hard to think of better support for Biden's argument that rich elites are behind all this