
man i hate the mastodon/bluesky fighting
mastodon rocks. bluesky rocks. i'm happy both exist.
i wish there were less snark about mastodon here, i see it a lot and i don’t get it… both protocols have such good things in them
I think it has less to do with Mastodon itself and more to do with some of its more obnoxious users.
i mean yeah but bluesky also has some incredible losers and if there’s any discourse about it on mastodon i certainly haven’t seen it here there are tons of people tossing off “mastodon sucks” jokes
One major difference is that in Mastodon some of the bigger drama sources are admins of whole servers. They can, and often do, cut off whole other servers for even the smallest of infractions of their sometimes arbitrary rules. To my knowledge, there is no real equivalent of that over here.
i see. ironically, the problem arises because of centralization of power in an equally post-mad population
There is no equivalent because there is only Bluesky. Wait until federation opens up then let's see what happens.
Depends on whether the bsky team follows through on releasing enough of the protocol code to where people can start running their own servers.
It's already possible in the sandbox environment
Still, you can find a server culture that works for you and avoid those engaged in whatever drama you aren't interested in. I appreciate both platforms but do really like the idea of an ad-free, surveillance-free option. But I do find it hard there to find what I'm looking for. This gets closer.
It's still kind of a pain in the ass having to migrate your account between servers, especially since you can't migrate posts. All because your server admin was on a power trip.
there's some other non-masto server software that allows for post migration, but otherwise yeah the ux for migration isn't too great
1) A lot of it comes down to initial experience when folks tried to join Masto. It’s nowhere near as easy to integrate into (onboarding is much improved but still high-friction) and there was a lot of frustration trying to make it like standard social media when it was designed intentionally not to.
2) Decentralization means there’s **way** more variation in experience depending on who you are and where you start off. And there’s no denying that there are a lot of folks with entrenched culture/interests there that are actively against change.
3) There is/was a culture of technical elitism to mainstream Fedi/Masto simply because it was designed precisely for that sort of person. It’s unfriendly and unwieldy in many ways if that’s not your thing. It **is** changing, but it’s slow and there’s pushback.
4) Finally there is a serious white-liberal BS issue there. The very real and serious problems faced by incoming BIPOC users caused very understandable anger and a lasting negative impression. And it has *not* been fixed. Again - slow movement because nothing is top-down, so everything take longer.
5) All that said, there are some amazing people there, networking and organizing and doing tons of cool shit that frankly doesn’t happen on any other social media platform because it’s so much more than just a place to extract fiscal value. But that experience is too subjective and chance-dependent.
Like the loser who followed me and tried to convince me that it was Islamophobic to say that Hamas would rule a sovereign state of Palestine theocratically, hates Jews, and wants to kill Jews. This was after October 7.
You can't just browse a new social network that you haven't even customized for 15 minutes, find a few opinions that are awful and offensive or awful and annoying to you, and declare that the network sucks. You have to give it hours and hours of use before writing it off, in my opinion.