
man i hate the mastodon/bluesky fighting
mastodon rocks. bluesky rocks. i'm happy both exist.
i wish there were less snark about mastodon here, i see it a lot and i donā€™t get itā€¦ both protocols have such good things in them
I think it has less to do with Mastodon itself and more to do with some of its more obnoxious users.
i mean yeah but bluesky also has some incredible losers and if thereā€™s any discourse about it on mastodon i certainly havenā€™t seen it here there are tons of people tossing off ā€œmastodon sucksā€ jokes
1) A lot of it comes down to initial experience when folks tried to join Masto. Itā€™s nowhere near as easy to integrate into (onboarding is much improved but still high-friction) and there was a lot of frustration trying to make it like standard social media when it was designed intentionally not to.
2) Decentralization means thereā€™s **way** more variation in experience depending on who you are and where you start off. And thereā€™s no denying that there are a lot of folks with entrenched culture/interests there that are actively against change.
3) There is/was a culture of technical elitism to mainstream Fedi/Masto simply because it was designed precisely for that sort of person. Itā€™s unfriendly and unwieldy in many ways if thatā€™s not your thing. It **is** changing, but itā€™s slow and thereā€™s pushback.
4) Finally there is a serious white-liberal BS issue there. The very real and serious problems faced by incoming BIPOC users caused very understandable anger and a lasting negative impression. And it has *not* been fixed. Again - slow movement because nothing is top-down, so everything take longer.
5) All that said, there are some amazing people there, networking and organizing and doing tons of cool shit that frankly doesnā€™t happen on any other social media platform because itā€™s so much more than just a place to extract fiscal value. But that experience is too subjective and chance-dependent.
But as stated above - there doesnā€™t need to be only one place for **everybody** to go. Iā€™m glad there are C&W bars for folks that like line-dancing, but Iā€™m also happy I donā€™t have to go there and be forced to listen to the music when I can hang at a goth bar/Irish pub/anythingnotaNazibarz