
I love knowing so many writers who either don't have jobs right now or are severely underpaid and then seeing this
You could just have people write all of this stuff! There are a ton of them out there who would! I promise!
but that would require paying them!
Yes our new “innovative products” will be so entertaining & informative you won’t even notice the starving professionals living in the park
and they also might start a union down the road
They’d rather pay a big company to license their product than humans to save a few pennies and not have to deal with humans 🙄
In fairness, every Atlantic writer could be replaced with a broom with a sign that says "Palestinian children deserve to die" and "college students who annoy me are Pol Pot""
Hahaha anyway guillotines am I right
I do not want a society that believes mob justice is the right way.
Nobody does. But we need a critical mass of Billionaires to believe that it’s happening any second now.
Isn’t that why some of them are acting like total nutcases? They know they’re getting away with crime, they want to make sure it stays that way, so they’re lining up behind the most corrupt politicians they can find.
They’re telling us what they’re afraid of. Taxes and equal treatment under the law.
i mean they do this wholly without threat so i don't think the threat is what motivates them rich people motivated by genuine threat of uprising are, historically, a lot more likely to propose limits on wealth/power because appeasement does, in fact, work on The Poors, and is better than death
So I guess they need to stop getting away with it
Society has a long and ubiquitous tradition of violent uprising against repression -- and equally violent repression of uprisings. We are either going to sleepwalk into vats of goo or go down with one hell of a fight, but all signs indicate an exacerbation of this absolute garbage AI culture.
I do not want a society that necessitates it, but here we are
I disagree with the belief that we are there.
If that’s who I think it is, I love that he’s trying to get the others to wake up to the literal “eat the rich” threat before they force it to become inevitable.
It's guillotines or we keep getting poorer and they keep getting richer.
I was a game writer. Now I edit, a contract job without benefits for less than half what I was making before. And I’m one of the lucky ones. I know too many colleagues whose resources are running out, who don’t know what they’re going to do. It’s fucked up.
Same. A solid chunk of the writers I know have one foot out the door.
I have more unemployed game writer friends than I do employed ones. And far more of the unemployed ones are women and minorities.
And for those who remain, salaries are now at 2010 levels. Not adjusted for inflation, the actual dollar amounts down tens of thousands from what folks made pre-pandemic.
Great, they're going to make a TERF ai to fill up the Atlantic with even less coherent arguments for why kids don't deserve respect
The Atlantic and Vox can go fuck themselves.
this is why i’m not trying to get another FT editing / copyediting job. i know i have a lot of valuable skill, experience, and discernment there, but the thought of being forced to work alongside this crap sounds incredibly soul-crushing.
Yeah it's disgusting. I want no part of this shit. I bet NPR is next
it really sucks. it turns out i’m much happier making art (kinda neglected it for 10 years, which oddly 🧐 lines up with graduating and moving across the country and needing to make money to survive)… but i still feel guilt for not wanting to try to change media from within anymore
i should say written media. my art can still contribute. but it feels like a less direct way to me (probably something i need to work on unlearning a bit)
Welp I just cancelled my Vox membership. This is so disappointing.
Writers are a hell of a lot cheaper than the "suck up the energy of the oceans to give you plagiarism" machines. Atlantic, hang your head in shame. Shame!
Just told Vox why I'm canceling my subscription.
i mean to be fair i am fine with about 80% of the current staff at the atlantic specifically being fired
This is rather depressing to see.
I really believe all these partnerships with AI are crap. AI can’t think yet so it makes me wonder—- what kind of deals are they making? Writing is an art and AI can’t replace your expression.
Pretty sure a lot of these organisations feel that OpenAI is going to scrape their content anyway and they don’t have resources to fight so are just throwing in the towel. Absolutely devastating for our information infrastructure and for anyone working as a writer
I think it’s funny that AI needs us to survive but it’s going to replace us. Now that everyone has stolen all our intellectual property and they are feeding AI—- do they really think it won’t be dead in the water once we stop contributing??? It will only have it’s own gibberish to program itself
They can’t think and never will, unless an entirely new tech comes along after science learns how natural intelligence works.
I agree. We don’t have quantum computing yet but because they want funding… all AI companies act like it can think but it cannot. It’s mostly just used as a glorified answer machine that knows a few prompt words.
This is about OpenAI paying media organisations for content they will surface in their chatbot. It's interesting since this is precisely what Facebook refuses to do as they pivot away from news. Media organisations are desperate for new income streams, so it's not surprising.
Jfc, I should just turn this in to unemployment this week instead of bothering to apply for the requisite number of jobs.