
I’m sorry, what?! Have folks memory-holed the coverage of Trump’s first term? This came up!
The discourse around biden needing more sleep is fully insane. Does no one remember "Executive Time," the thing Trump spent the majority(!) of his schedule on where he would just watch TV and tweet? Dude was categorically unable to fulfill any of the demands of the office and the press barely cared
It was a feature of liberal commentary. It was not taken seriously in the national mainstream pundit commentary, certainly was never the subject of a massive united media push like we're seeing with Biden. Trump's failings and even his crimes would get reported, then they were no longer "news".
I remember some outlet reported *once* that there were civil servants whose job it was to recover documents that had been on Trump's desk - so were required to be preserved by the Presidential Records Act - and try to salvage them from his waste bin. Tape the torn shreds back together, for example.
Or there was the time the NYT dedicated five reporters and 14 months to reporting on the money Trump inherited. They started in Feb 2017 - a year earlier it might have affected the election - and discovered he'd used blatant fraud to duck taxes on a billion dollars. But it was never a lasting story.
There is an idea called "Murc's Law" after the blog commenter who coined it: "only Democrats have agency". No-one asks Trump to be diligent, or honest, or informed, or follow the law. No mainstream outlet ever made it a national crisis for a week that he manifestly never has been any of those.
It's not mentioned at all by the daily press in terms of how Trump will (won't, actually) cope with the rigors of a second term. Nada, null, zip reflection on that obvious pending outcome.
And the press was calling him mentally unfit to serve at that time?
There needs to be public readings of your toddler book. Or at least the toddler thread.
I figure a second term would be Donnie holing up in the White House or Mar-a-Lago and only leaving to go directly to the other one.
Plus, how is "He's no worse than Trump!" a good response to finding out the president will never do nighttime events to prove he's not sundowning?
Biden "I should rest after EIGHT PM unless there's an emergency since I get up at early in the morning" The rest of "regularly scheduled" America "I DON'T WORK A MINUTE AFTER FIVE" Those people are now mad at the President that his workday, like the most stressful job. Is like 6a-8p