
The discourse around biden needing more sleep is fully insane. Does no one remember "Executive Time," the thing Trump spent the majority(!) of his schedule on where he would just watch TV and tweet? Dude was categorically unable to fulfill any of the demands of the office and the press barely cared
Rolling into the oval office at 11, zoning out for the intelligence briefing, whining until they let him wander away and watch fox. That was Trump every damn day
Correct, every damn day that he wasn't at one of his own stupid properties pocketing the entire secret service budget
And he flew to one of his personal country clubs to play golf almost every weekend.
Or having a campaign rally.
You forgot the part where he apparently responded to literally every problem with "Why can't we have the army kill 'em all?"
Well, at least SCOTUS has answered that question for him now.
"every problem" to include hurricanes just in case anyone forgot he wanted to nuke a hurricane, turning a large damaging storm into a large damaging radioactive storm
That’s not true. Sometimes he golfed
Throwing his hamburder angrily against the wall of the WH dining room, necessitating a coat of ketchup-resistant paint.
And his briefings had to include either a picture of him or his name plastered all over the paper. He wanted pictures not words and all on one page. What a leader!! 🙄
Needing to have briefing condensed to three bullet points?!?!
He ran the country the way Elon Musk is running four companies
I will never forget Trump's official White House schedule
The many calls and many meetings are just off camera, being busy alongside me.
Big "dad works at the Business Factory" vibes
“Are these many calls and many meetings in the room with us now?”
And he flew to one of his personal country clubs to play golf almost every weekend.
That was also so he could bill the federal government an exorbitant rate for the Secret Service who had to stay on his property. But yeah the laziness too.
and the insanity/projection of his ragging on Obama for golfing and his swearing up & down he'd work nonstop did even the most gullible kool-aid drinker believe that?
Trump's philosophy is that the impact of just saying/doing something to help you in the moment is greater than any accountability for it later. Trump's mentor was mob lawyer Roy Cohn--you just commit crimes and bribe the jury later or whatever.
Only Democrats are expected to have basic competence
I think it's more that dem voters actually expect basic competence from their elected officials... Repub voters are happy as long as "the woke" are made miserable, regardless of if it actively makes their own lives measurably worse
This. The modern Trump GOP voter only cares about leaders looking as if they have the will to hurt people and punish them. Nothing else matters. Also, the media uses the excuse that Trump's antics are "old news" but Biden having to ever sleep is "new news" and should be talked about more.
"We can't have a 10-to-4 presidency" well you're gonna fuckin get one if Trump wins!
10-to-4 would double the effort he put in last time (when, in all likelihood, he was healthier than he is now). So more like 12-3!
That undercounts it! He spent NINE HOURS A DAY "tweeting, phoning friends and watching television. Official meetings, policy briefings and public appearances — typically the daily work of being president — consumed barely more than three hours of his day."
9 hours of ‘Executive Time’: Trump’s unstructured days define his The president’s schedule shows huge swaths of his day unplanned, allowing his whims and momentary interests to drive White House business.
People have never held Trump to the same standards that they hold Democrats. They never will. I am not sure that could be forced. It would be awesome if it could.
the difference is that no one wanted Trump to do anything official. everyone was happy to have him asleep on the toilet.
Yes, the Stevens, Miller and Bannon, Mnuchin and Jared the son-in-law and his wife Ivanka loved selling off democracy piece by piece and are eager to get their old jobs back to continue their work to make America fascist for their benefit.
It's the Reagan playbook — rob the country blind while grandpa's napping.
It’s amazing that he got away with repeatedly publishing a daily schedule that just said “President Trump will work from early in the morning until late in the evening. He will make many calls and have many meetings.”
Common complaint from liberals about George W was going to bed early, especially after Clinton, who regularly stayed up into the early hours of the morning.
Well, all that sauntering off to his Texas ranch to clear brush left him tired.
Trump couldn't even stay awake for a court hearing.
Him not doing the job is fine. But the scary part is who he brings in with him
Exactly. Harris and Buttigieg or Bannon and Stone?
George W. Bush had daily naptime in his schedule when he was Governor of Texas — he was in his early 50s, and his job was mostly photo ops. What are we doing here? As much as we need to do a lot of work to rebuild the Republic, we even more badly need to rebuild journalism from the ground up.
It's almost like people who want the Democrats to win want a candidate who is miles better than Trump instead of just going "But Trump does all these bad things so we have to accept a subpar candidate" like you're five years old asking why other kids get to do the things that are bad for them.
"Why do you hold me to a standard when my opponent has no standards" is a very quick way to get yourself completely fucked.
W Bush also required his schedule to get 8 hrs of sleep a night and end his work day before 6pm
We did this already. Yes rules are different for the Dem candidate. We told you, asked for better. We were chided, marginalized, taken out (the ‘strategic’ weakness of committed moral virtue cannot be overstated). Biden is a weakass candidate still, RealDemCorp has nothing better to offer. You lose.
It's ratfucking. 100% ratfucking.
He looked fucking rested after leaving Office. THAT should have had alarm bells ringing; the position of POTUS eats people alive and spits out withered husks.
But the thing is, that was also *bad*. If Biden did what Trump did, (I hope) people would correctly see that he wasn't fulfilling the duties of the presidency. The frustration you're feeling is that Trump's fans don't *care*, but everyone else does.
I’m old enough to remember Rush Limbaugh defending Bush Jr. going to bed early, saying that having time to have sex with his wife was a good reason.
They remember. The media establishment is actively trying to end the republic. Why the billionaires are doing it is obvious (tax cuts to keep more money they'll never be able to spend). Why the media minions are playing along is still very unclear.
Does anyone remember how much he golfed and charged Secret Service to protect him while he golfed?
Even recently, the guy could not keep his eyes open during normal hours for his trial!
Why do you think "slightly better than 45" is all Americans deserve, or will be sufficient to save US democracy? DNC corporatists are just fascists with crocodile tears, part a billion.
It’s not that the press didn’t care. It’s that Trump was (and remains) such a non-stop avalanche of scandal and unfitness that he exhausted everyone’s emotional capacity for surprise.