
I get that "liberals" has become the strawman argument over the last 8 years and it's not always wrong but this is a direct result of Trump putting on three Supreme Court justices
Why didn’t voting for the lesser evil stop this? And other questions for the liberal mind
Yeah the actual straightforward answer to the question is “not enough people did that”.
People conflating “doing the thing once, barely” with “doing the thing over and over and over and over, decisively” as if the results of both would be exactly the same.
Tell your friends, tell your family, send out some mailers, go to the homeless shelter go register some homeless. go to the community center where the mentally ill people hang out, get the people who aren’t felons registered beneficiaries of the deferment system registered.
I can tell people what it means to vote harder. It means convincing your Republican Dad to vote for Democrats. And I did that. And I’m gonna keep doing it. I convinced my non-voting mother-in-law to vote for Democrats. That’s vote harder.