
I get that "liberals" has become the strawman argument over the last 8 years and it's not always wrong but this is a direct result of Trump putting on three Supreme Court justices
Why didn’t voting for the lesser evil stop this? And other questions for the liberal mind
Anyway looking forward to being called a liberal or whatever on bluesky lol the left is great at building coalitions with people who agree with 98% of their beliefs! Not just a scene at all!
Obama let Mitch McConnell jack his SCOTUS pick without a fight, RBG clung to hers until she was dead when there was a strategic window they could have replaced her. The DNC has been playing to lose for a very long time.
I do. Republican senate majority let that happen which means it’s once again, people not voting for the lesser evil.
Not much Obama could do. Democrat senate majority totes made Nixon pick again twice when he put forward segregationist judges. Don’t lose majority is the best thing we can promote rn.
How exactly does the DNC have any power over RBG retiring? How does Obama fight McConnell other than going to a podium to complain about how racist he is?
there's nothing they could do for 8 years under Obama, nothing they could do now under Biden, but if we vote for them just this ONE. LAST. TIME....
So you can’t answer those simple questions huh.
What did you expect the president who doesn’t have house or senate majority to do?
Please clarify, are you under the impression that RBG was a member of the DNC?
If only voters didn’t choose a Republican senate majority.
More lefties could have helped and voted for Hilary Clinton! There were 3 picks right there.
Republicans thrive because they’ll hold their nose and vote for literally anyone that has an R next to their name, and yet there are so many people on the left that will allow this country to get decimated because someone is 2% off from their own beliefs. Infuriating.
Voting for the lesser evil in 2016 absolutely would have prevented this specific problem
She sounded the alarms about it, and she was treated like a vulture for daring to say it. And if Trump wins again, Alito and Thomas will ABSOLUTELY retire in the next four years.
Yeah the actual straightforward answer to the question is “not enough people did that”.
People conflating “doing the thing once, barely” with “doing the thing over and over and over and over, decisively” as if the results of both would be exactly the same.
Tell your friends, tell your family, send out some mailers, go to the homeless shelter go register some homeless. go to the community center where the mentally ill people hang out, get the people who aren’t felons registered beneficiaries of the deferment system registered.
I can tell people what it means to vote harder. It means convincing your Republican Dad to vote for Democrats. And I did that. And I’m gonna keep doing it. I convinced my non-voting mother-in-law to vote for Democrats. That’s vote harder.
Too bad Democrats didn't put a contender that year
Hmmm. So it’s anyone eligible to vote’s fault.
Why not? Republicans had house and senate and people voted for those people. And people voted for Trump and not enough people voted against them.
I think it was more complicated than that. Y'all trot out these two ancient white rich assholes and say these are your glorious leaders that you picked yourselves from amongst your communities and lol the fuck stop putting words in my mouth
If you want to Dean Phillips you should’ve voted for him 2024. He was young. He ran. It’s more than I can say for most people.
If the problem is really as existential and intractable as it's being made out to be, then why wouldn't the Dems be fully on board with packing the court now, or otherwise finding ways to replace Thomas and Alito asap?
They literally don’t control the House of Representatives.
In light of today's ruling, a sitting president seems to have more license than ever before to find a creative solution to this. I have doubts that the other side would hesitate to do so.
You mean, Hillary Clinton rigging a Primary to force her third rightful turn?
By winning more votes in the key states that decided the 2016 election. Is there something hard to understand about this?
More people voted for him than any of the other candidates.
who do you feel is to blame for a candidate losing to a mentally impaired gameshow racist
Probably the voters who voted for the gameshow host, and the voters who decided not to vote for the other candidate, and the suppression laws that prevented those who wanted to vote from doing so. Not really sure what this has to do with anything.
Some of you guys ridiculously underestimate how fucking racist and hateful this country is
Obama could have expanded the court when he had a super majority and didn't.
Whobis stopping them from accepting bribes?
Two of those three should've been tried to rigging an election, Thomas exists because of Biden, and Obama should've kicked out Roberts (who also helped rig the 2000 election). This failure lies on the liberals
A good way to look at def the last 25 years or so, and arguably the last 40 years is "elite failure" - corruption, short sightedness, wooden-headedness, and magical thinking on the part of our leaders, broadly, which includes liberals.
A lot of people have been consistently voting for the lesser of two evils, but for those votes to mean something, the lesser of the two evils has to successfully stop the evil party from advancing their evil plans.