
Years ago I wrote about how the fantasy of so many men in tech re: AI was to create a woman that doesn't talk back. It's not an original idea--it populates sci-fi, like Ex Machina. But it's also an easy point to argue because so many guys will just... say it.
impressive how much these puff pieces for AI still make the people involved sound like sociopaths
The best iteration of this continues to be Weird Science because it's actually one of the only extant examples of a female trickster I have ever seen in fiction.
It's like they think it's going to be an episode of I Dream of Jeannie, but really it's a lot closer to summoning a demon who just happens to incarnate as Kelly Le Brock.
The interesting version was the TV show Weird Science. They tried to recognize the genie/slave nature of her and fix that. Wasn’t entirely successful. But they tried.