
You’re right, Joe Biden is not a guy who’s been muffing remarks all his life and our campaign trail press is excellent at observing things and putting them into accurate context
You are gaslighting your own self here
I’m capable of seeing what the Biden administration has done since 2021 and not care how he performed in a debate. He’s been the best president of my adult life. I get that in some sense that is a low bar, but it is the bar. Better than Obama, better than Clinton. So so so much better than Trump!
The guy directly helping a genocide is the best president in your life… Americans are deranged.
What’s your solution for Gaza? Seriously, please explain what you would do as President of the U.S. about Israel and Hamas and the Palestinians.
perhaps stop giving Israel all the money and weapons it wants as it pursues ethnic cleansing? That's a great first step
So your solution to tens of thousands of deaths and nearly 2,000,000 people displaced is for Biden to ignore Congress, betray an ally, leave Israel undefended and watch as over 9,000,000 get killed by their enemies?
Ronald fucking Reagan had the balls to tell Begin that the gravy train was ending unless Israel cut out atrocities in Lebanon and guess what — they did! Our massive leverage worked!
OK. Please elaborate. What would you like Biden to do?
Thank you for proving that you are in fact deranged.
If you mean “all America’s presidents are fucking war criminals and the bar is six feet under in hell and therefore one can fairly say Joe Biden is the best president of their lifetime as an indictment of the whole thing rather than a compliment”, then yes, we are
And yes, Joe Biden is genuinely the best American president I’ve seen in my lifetime, I mean that sincerely, and I cannot articulate how depressed that makes me
The problem is he’s right. That’s how low the bar is. Every one of them is a fucking ghoul
Like every one has materially contributed to a genocide. They have all been shit
This is the correct answer
I wish there was one we could point to and be like “well that one was good” but there is not
Who was tricked/hounded out of office
Why is Biden better than Obama?
He’s better on judges, labor, unemployment, wages, got us out of Afghanistan, practically ended the drone strikes, renewable energy, student debt, GLTBQ issues, infrastructure, junk fees, reshoring semiconductor manufacturing, restrictions on marijuana, ending the Saudi oil pricing monopoly, etc.
Nah, he doesn’t get credit on weed. Hes taken shitty, tentative steps like reclassifying when he could’ve taken much broader action and paid exactly no electoral price for it
Could’ve easily just eliminated weed as something federal employees were tested for but meanwhile people lost job offers simply for admitting having smoked it in the past. Biden sucks on weed bc his brain got stuck in the 90s when people thought it was a gateway drug
How was Obama better than Biden on weed? Moving it to Schedule III would be the biggest improvement since it was outlawed.
I mean he’s certainly not worse considering how many weddings Obama directly drone striked. The idea Obama was more cuddly on foreign policy is horseshit, he was just as bad as Biden, and at least Biden’s been good on labor
His Gaza policy is disgusting and unconscionable. Trump would be even worse. And Biden is better on every other score. One of them will be the next president and I would prefer it be Biden.