Rabbi Vole

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Rabbi Vole


I’m just here to have a wonderful time
these people will never stop doing “how dare you sir” no matter how many times it doesn’t work huh
“Paul, I think I’m going to head down to the cafeteria after the show because I hear they’re serving Kröd Mändoon…just like Mom used to make, Kröd Mändoon.”
Just to set everyone’s mind at ease, don’t worry, I checked and it’s still possible to buy every episode of “Kröd Mändoon”.
AIPAC just spent a record amount of money to unseat a black progressive Democrat in my district, and there are no limits on them or any other PAC spending even more money next time, what democracy?
In six swing states that Biden narrowly won in 2020, a little more than half of voters classified as likely to decide the presidential election say threats to democracy are extremely important to their vote for president, according to a poll.
Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state voterswapo.st A poll of swing-state voters shows that Americans rate threats to democracy as an important issue, but that the president has yet to convince them he is the one to defend it.
Latimer knows that everyone knows what he means by his "results, not rhetoric" slogan and his accusations that Bowman has "his own agenda," but it's still so funny that if you take it at face value, he's saying it's bad for politicians to have agendas and explain those agendas through rhetoric
NEW: I wrote about how Jamaal Bowman's primary challenger has run a racist campaign of white grievance. www.thehandbasket.co/p/george-lat...
what are you gonna do, stab me? dot jpg
New from me: The OceanGate Files at Wired magazine - tens of thousands of emails, documents and photos that chart the early days of the submersible company. It's a long read but lots of new info here! www.wired.com/story/titan-...
the NY Post has always been Der Sturmer with good sports pages and a flair for puns but it's funny to see it go so far around the bend that it's using "NYC Jury" as a dog whistle, how dare you besmirch the greatest city in da world (baybee) to appeal to the chuds the same way like Clay Higgins would
Randy Rainbow is fascinating as a topical comedian because unless you watched 18 hours of MSNBC per day, the bits made barely any sense or even seemed dated in the moment, like seeing a spoof of a Kellyanne Conway gaffe you half-remember hearing in a cab that had NPR on two weeks ago and going “huh”
I haven't committed any war crimes so I'm feeling pretty comfortable, Mike
why mike what's america done?
"The Boys from Brazil" is a perfect film, Gregory Peck as Mengele, Laurence Olivier as a borderline antisemitic stereotype of a cranky old Nazi hunter, 94 Hitler clones in their asshole teenage years, and this scene that comes out of absolutely nowhere: www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4_H...
"SHUT UP YOU UGLY BITCH" - Gregory Peck as Josef Mengele - fun scene from "Boys In Brazil"www.youtube.com A fun scene. The Nazi doctor war criminal Josef Mengele is played by Gregory Peck in "Boys In Brazil" from 1978 which always stars Lord Laurence Olivier, Jam...
in "The Parallax View" (1974), a CIA cutout uses this test to find people both dumb and psychopathic enough to kill populist/progressive presidential candidates on behalf of capital, 50 years later it's a prerequisite for getting a job as a dishwasher at a Darden restaurant
the law firm of Weitz & Luxenberg, a main reason people in the New York metro area know the word "mesothelioma," bought and promotes the domain webinar dot law and that's honestly the funniest joke I've heard in some time
End of feed.