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Keifer | 27 | host of Select and Start | @DannyVegito on twitter | he/him | cat dad of 3
I was laid off at the end of May and it’s my birthday on Friday so if anyone wants to help me out and celebrate me from afar I’d be super grateful! My beautiful cats would also be grateful!
if JD Vance ends up being Trump’s VP pick it would be the funniest thing ever because he’s basically committing suicide days after someone tried to kill him
went to the beach again today
one cool thing about being unemployed is that you can spend a weekday at the beach
I’m gonna do my own independent research before deciding if someone really shot at Donald Trump
it’s clear that being in public is to dangerous for Trump. for his personal safety they should put him in some kind of high security compound. he cannot be allowed to leave. it’s the only place we know he will be safe
well I wasn’t going to vote for him but then I saw a picture of his ear bleeding
big deal. I don’t die every day
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Bluesky is so much better because trump literally just got fucking shot and I open up this app and yep the first post I see is someone talking about the saga dreamcast
it’s so cool that our declining empire has a Mad King
I was laid off at 3:30 PM on May 30th w/o notice and lost my health benefits the next day which is fucked up on its own but the fact that basically my only option is COBRA feels like getting spat on after a punch to a gut. this country wants you scared for your life every second you aren’t working
The process of filing for unemployment benefits is so tedious and humiliating. Every step of getting laid off is some small or large indignity forced upon us by our employers who saddle us with the consequences of their mistakes
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I’m looking for guests for my podcast! If there’s a video game you hold near and dear to your heart, I would love to talk about it with you. All levels of experience welcome, I’ve had guests that are casual players, lifelong gamers, and published experts.
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I was laid off from my full-time job and am looking for work! I'm a writer, comedian, a video and audio editor, and I host and edit my own podcast,, and have a YouTube channel My DMs are open and you can email me at [email protected]
JUST IN: Biden reportedly confused SONIC THE HEDGEHOG for SHADOW
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American Pie turned 25 on Tuesday, and if learning that is throwing you into some sort of crisis mode, why not work through it with myself and as we revisit the movie and its soundtrack for the occasion. Check it out down below!
The process of filing for unemployment benefits is so tedious and humiliating. Every step of getting laid off is some small or large indignity forced upon us by our employers who saddle us with the consequences of their mistakes
will Joe Biden address letterboxd being down?
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pointlessly keeping track of which games from the "wii shop wednesday" song are currently on the switch.
bought a years worth of shampoo and conditioner from tj maxx, as is my right as an american
Eddie Murphy joining SNL when he’s 19, doing 48 Hrs at 21, Trading Places AND his first stand up special at 22, and Beverly Hills Cop at 23 is one of the most impressive runs for a young actor ever. a true bona-fide Star
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A NEW episode of Select and Start is out NOW!, a game designer and developer as well as a teacher at the NYU Game Center, comes on to talk about Jordan Mechner’s Prince of Persia! We also talk about 80s computer games, tabletop, and more!
Say what you want about Nintendo but them being a video game company and not a tech conglomerate like Sony and Microsoft makes them far more immune to pressure from outsiders or out-of-touch execs who insist that “X is the future!”
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This is really great news considering so many of the other major game companies jumped on board the genAI hype train. Once more companies like Nintendo start refusing it, we could hit a turning point.
Met a dude who goes by Doctor Worm earlier. cool name. dogshit drummer though
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Kamala has been feeding Joe poison mushrooms for the last four years. She’s so close. It’s almost her time
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A NEW episode of Select and Start is out NOW! The hosts of come on the show to talk about the inaugural Pokémon Red and Blue, and how the impact they made on their lives! We also talk about the Nintendo 64, The Zelda series, and more!
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Biden: this guy. This guy wants us all to be part of a tree. Trump: The Infinite Tsukuyomi will be so beautiful, we'll all have the most wonderful dream, people are saying the tree will be divine
[Biden vs Trump debate] Biden: the thing that with what and who like and that’s all there is to it buster Trump [on a zoom call]: They got me in the Magneto prison from the X-Men! I’m being treated very badly by the guards! they say I am the strongest prisoner they’ve ever seen
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My latest for is on Mad Max (2015) deserving better than it got, and some box office-related reminders of why everyone was asking the wrong questions about what makes a successful Mad Max entry
That Mad Max Game Rules, Like Furiosa, 2015's Mad Max game deserved to be the biggest thing on the planet when it came out, but that’s just not how it was received.
[Biden vs Trump debate] Biden: the thing that with what and who like and that’s all there is to it buster Trump [on a zoom call]: They got me in the Magneto prison from the X-Men! I’m being treated very badly by the guards! they say I am the strongest prisoner they’ve ever seen