
This is really great news considering so many of the other major game companies jumped on board the genAI hype train. Once more companies like Nintendo start refusing it, we could hit a turning point.
They’re not just concerned about the legal issues of genAI, but basically said they have decades of unique creative talent which can’t be replaced by technology. Glad at least one company realizes that. (And yes I know Nintendo has many other issues. But at least on this issue, they’re doing good).
This is one specific instance of them being crotchety and refusing to roll with the times is a good thing.
I’m constantly delighted by Nintendo’s attitude to the skills and irreplaceability of their staff
Very funny/sad when the other game companies continually layoff staff then scratch their heads wondering how Nintendo produces good games so consistently for their IPs. Go figure that keeping your talent and expertise around produces better products.
It’s almost like short-termism is destroying literally everything that was built over the last 50-100 years just to satisfy the same 5 men who run hedge funds!
The other companies are far more invested of the current American mindset of "number has to go up dramatically no matter what, so let's fake it with layoffs." But I think it's also clear that the other studios spend WAY TOO MUCH MONEY making their games, so there's little to no margin.
Also like - a longer term look at stocks and values that accurately represents the time it takes for changes to show
Their attitude is literally "why would we invest in fake humans when we already invested in real humans."
It’s the same as when they sent that internal memo telling everyone that they shouldn’t worry about their jobs just because profits were down, because they want to keep making games that are actually good. It’s an actual strategy focused on long term.
I think it helps a lot that while Nintendo isn't just a development studio, their main business is video games. They aren't dealing with the movie division pushing AI on them (Sony), or the Windows OS side pushing AI on them (Xbox).
I certainly hope this is not only a turning point for game companies, but for all companies. Maybe this is a tiny shout that will lead to a full throated rejection of the technology.
honestly the way Nintendo just no-sells every snake oil their investors try to push them towards needs to be studied and/or taught Metaverse, blockchain/NFTs, and now AI are all things the investors asked about and Nintendo kinda just patted their heads and told them to fuck off
Are there any success stories involving generative AI that aren't some speculative investment shill, I don't see anyone hailing it as usable for any project except the people making it The whole thing is strange
Thank God they will just manually rehash the same 5 games over and over again instead of using ai