
“the wife did it” phew glad that got cleared up
alito is a liar down to his core (and a lazy one at that). and i think he knew exactly what this symbol meant
also how does one briefly place an upside down american flag lol i mean it seems kind of involved
i mean those “IN THIS HOUSE WE” signs are annoying but are they really “fly the american flag upside down” annoying mrs alito
I want to know what the neighbor's signs said. "Thank god our national nightmare is over!" "Proud American (again, now that that fucker is out of office)!"
“Biden won get over it” or “my body my choice” probably.
Yeah, the “hands off my uterus” stuff would be my guess for a) Alito and b) the neighborhood
lol what a fucking snowflake.
White Nationalists are so *fragile!*🤣
why would Alito ever think flying an upside down american flag would be a good idea. like lowkey kinda anti-imperialist to break the flag code like that, but also he’s only doing it to be fashy so it is unfortunately cringe af.
Because he can literally do whatever he wants and is accountable to absolutely no one.
yup. What's the worst that's gonna happen about it? The NYT will write an article about it 3 years later before returning to their regularly scheduled screed on why teens should be more in favor of genocide
My neighbor growing up would do this to his American flag stamps he put on letters. He was also very fashy.
We spent a few years being told how sacred the flag was and how dare you use it to protest, but that was different I guess
Yes, but changing one of the stripes to blue doesn't count, apparently. 🤷‍♂️
The difference is pretty black and white you could say
I would say red and white. Maybe you're thinking of a different flag?
Uh, not so much the difference in the flag, but the difference in who's allowed to use it in protest
Uh, not so much that, but who gets to define what is "protest" and what is "support".
Their neighbors hate them with good reason. The end.
Are those the same neighbours who, when protestors were outside the house, took warm drink to them to make sure the protestors were comfortable?
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I don't think the protestors found Alito's house. I could be wrong here.
On May 9th, 2022, there was an abortion rights protest on his doorstep. Alito tried to motivate his neighbours to help get it dispersed, and they just joined the protest instead.
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Thank you. I couldn't remember which MAGA SCOTUS justices were being protested back then.
Can’t wait to be told that she has a rare form of flag dyslexia, and the woke scolds have gone too far in criticizing her
She was protesting, you see. That's fine in our... Oh, I see.
It is, and there's no way to accidentally run it the whole way up the flagpole.When I was in NROTC, an honor guard accidentally attached the flag upside down (it was folded when attached to the lanyard, as per SOP). The INSTANT it was released and they saw their mistake it was hauled down and fixed.
Darth I imagine it would be as time-consuming and as annoying as changing a comforter cover, which nobody ever wants to do unless they have to do it
that flag is almost certainly put up and taken down every day
briefly as in legal brief
Ok I'm going to seem old & pedantic but an upside down flag means distress. When I was I kid in the 70s we all went across the lake when we saw this as fast as possible to try to save someone.
Okay my best friend in 3rd grade was on flag duty one morning. He raised the flag upside down and we had folks stopping in to the school because we had a distress signal put front. How did he do it? He, like me, was completely and hopelessly clueless, and also a child
I'm sorry to jump in your feed again. An upside down flag means distress in the navy. Not sure about the other servives-Navy brat here. I know what I know.