
did the alt label on images just get very tiny or did my phone grow
"what is this a label for ants"
Aren't you worried you will drop and break your phone without a case? Those things are expensive as man.
matt in fact i am one of those pandas that have never used a case for my iphones and knock on wood have not dropped a single phone so far my paws are mighty
Those little paws with the hand-like structure. Also darth is always correct, so
paws > hands I have dropped my phone 4 times on the same day once
i do not use a phone case and have dropped my phone many times but it only ever gets scuffed a little on the side. i think it's because i only use small phones (currently: iphone 12 mini) and i suspect the curve of screen breakage probability goes up with the square or cube of the screen dimensions
i loved the iphone 12 mini colin that was such a great phone to just carry around tbh
i still do love it darth tim apple will have to pry it from my cold dead hands (probably via stopping security patches)
I never had a case on my phones for 20 years. Then last year I tried to climb a rope at a pumpkin festival and my phone dropped 3 measly feet to the dirt and shattered 😭
i used one ONCE last gen because i stumbled across one i really liked and the insulation made the back fall off from the heat of the south 😔
My current phone was the first time I've ever done a case, not because I'm worried about dropping it, but because the cameras stick out so much that putting it in case keeps the lenses floating above whatever I set it down on.
I feel like you would have won the cheese rolling contest if you had been there darth. (Helmet on for safety.)
Same, but Android smartphones since c.2010, knock on wood.
When I bought the very expensive Samsung Galaxy S20+, I bought a case for it with screen protector and added a tether that I always attach to a pocket when I'm outside. I marvel at those who hold equally expensive iPhones in one hand on BART. Are they so rich they can replace a broken one?
A puzzled darth looks up at his still growing iPhone and wonders how he will reach the green icon at the top to end his call…
“No, it got this fucking big!”
Its tiny enough now I legitimately have trouble finding & clicking on it, which is honestly kind of an access problem for me. :/ Though I do approve of it not covering text, since that is also less-than-helpful for most people.
You can just click on the photo itself, the text appears by default.
That’s part of why I think this
I still say they should get rid of it and replace it with a “no alt text” flag for when it’s *not* present.
Well now I feel silly for not noticing that, ha. Thank you :)
I only noticed because I have poor muscle control over my fingers and it was displaying the text even though I had definitely missed the button.
tbh, until just now I never noticed the tiny "alt" tag in the lower right corner. i have always clicked on the picture to see the alt text.
Used to be much bigger and on the left side. Takes me some effort to remember how it works across each site. On twitter you have to click on the icon, on mastodon you hover over the unexpanded image (title-text), and here you open the image to read it.
i prefer the twitter option that allows me to click on the icon, as it seems to me it encourages creativity. the Dog Rates alt tags are often pure delight, so those from The Herd
aside from everything else l love your alt text darth
Omg I think I need a magnifying glass for this. What the hell
Ants can’t read. Why would they need ALT text?