
I am *way* too deep in transphobe lore and even I don't know what the fuck she's talking about here
Sorry wouldnโ€™t normally put her on the timeline but this might be the most insane thing j k rowlings ever written
The thread she's responding to isn't particularly helpful either. I think the reason some men are criticizing TERFs is because trans people can already access bathrooms and women's shelters and we don't see them committing sexual assault! TERFs are lying; that's why they're being criticized.
Every time they argue about how trans people can enter women's bathrooms I just visualize a man who is intent on nefarious deeds, looking at the 'women's bathroom' sign and going 'ah shucks I was this close. Damnit sign!' Anyway if JK is in there definitely go in there and steal her wallet.
Exactly. This TERF rhetoric drives me up a wall. Women have never and are never 100% safe is public spaces. Including bathrooms! What world are they living in? And youโ€™re just making it more unsafe with this shit.
And of the subset of humans โ€œrapists who will follow their victims into public bathroomsโ€ exactly zero of them have ever been stopped by realizing they forgot to wear their raping-in-the-restroom drag that day
Exactly. The power is in presenting as a cisgendered man. I worked in a bookstore and a cisgendered presenting man followed a cisgendered presenting woman into the bathroom to take pictures of her in the stall. Super easy when the patriarchy already empowers you.
It just makes me think of when I used to go clubbing, and men's bathrooms became unisex every time the line outside the women's was too long, and the *only* complaints were that women broke the rules of men's toilets by talking in there.