
anyway I can’t think of any way that unceremoniously ejecting the incumbent Dem president from the ticket, four months before the election, with no agreement on a successor, no process to pick one, and most people pushing the idea assuming it WON’T be the vice presidents, could possibly backfire
I actually feel like I’ve lost my mind here: does it strike anyone this might be a severe overreaction to the very old president looking very old during literally the first half hour of one debate?
Like the proposal is just “blow up the entire party” with everyone assuming their person will magically emerge from the chaos ready to beat Trump, but it seems like a more likely outcome is total meltdown and Trump winning
yes the case for “someone other than Biden” is pretty strong (it has been for years, by the way, the people currently panicking were just asleep to it). but THERE’S A LOT MORE TO IT THAN THAT, because how do you make it happen??
basically it feels like the commentariat is composed of children who never seem to consider that politics is made up of many hard decisions and now, confronting the fact that maybe they made the wrong one, are throwing a tantrum and insisting the world instantly manifest their whims.
sorry, it doesn’t work like that. you walked us pretty far down this road and now we have to make decisions with that reality in mind. there are four months to go.
This is what I don't understand from them. By changing this late the Dems are basically throwing in the towel. "That guy we've hyped for years? Turns out we were wrong." That's campaign ending. Are they that dumb or just really hoping for a GOP win?
"Our guy sucks so hard we're dumping him a few months before the election. Vote for us!!"
It's the punditocracy this is coming from, so you figure, A little from column A, a little from column B.
Pundits get paid more with Trump in the White House, at least in theory. They think it'll be like 2016 again. Unfortunately they don't understand that Trump 2.0 will just arrest them and throw them into Gitmo because the media is the enemy of the MAGAVolk.