
Me, last Friday: “I can’t think of a single class I less want to teach this fall than strategic political communication. Not in this election season. Not again.” Me, now: “well AT LEAST I’m not teaching Con Law.”
I'm neither a lawyer nor a law student, but I'd think con law would be easy to teach now: just have the students close their eyes and describe the vibes they feel about a case, then have them break up into teams for Calvinball. (sarcasm)
For quite a while, you could determine how it'd be by asking two questions: • Which decision most helps the GOP; long-term should be considered (e.g., approve the ACA because it helps raise rabble). • Which decision would most harm non-white-male-christians?
Now, however, it is: which decision lets the majority impose their particular will on the entire country?
Or legislation and regulation! Just watched my 1L go up in flames
I took Constitutional Law and my statutory/regulatory requirement last semester, so that’s half of my semester up in flames. Will they come for property or client counseling and oral argument next, I wonder?
Whoa I actually didn’t know this was a class and now I want to know everything!
On the contrary. I would think teaching a strategic political communication course this fall would be stimulating! So much to use as course material. So much to chew on.
There’s *always* a lot to chew on. This fall is going to be tooooo much.