Jambalaya Val

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Jambalaya Val


Just a girl from the bayou. I love books, music, theater, movies, food, smart people, the Saints ⚜, the beach and the mountains. Entertaining and informative accounts followed. Stupid ones blocked.
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CHIEF JUSTICE V. THE WOMEN OF THE UNITED STATES The MAGA majority wants to deliver Trump a government conscripted in an “effort to belittle and degrade women,” and GOP men would like women to stop being so “hysterical” about it, writes Dahlia Lithwick.
Don’t Be Hysterical, Ladies. Daddy Chief Justice Knows Best.slate.com It is pretty jarring to hear this kind of condescension trotted out by Chief Justice John Roberts.
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One guy is old. The other guy is an old lying pedophile philandering racist rapist, convicted of 34 felonies, liable for $464 million of business fraud, who ripped off thousands of people, stole top secret US military documents, and tried to violently overthrow the government.
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It's Independence Day, commemorating the day this country kicked a king to the curb. Eternal shame on the six justices on the Supreme Court who betrayed our founding principles by turning the presidency into a new monarchy.
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You're right! We should definitely be talking about how convicted felon Donald J Trump is a) old and b) a convicted rapist.
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She won a Pulitzer for exposing how the country's poorest state spent federal welfare money. Now she might go to jail. "The rabbit's got the gun now," said a lawyer for former Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, who is trying to force reporter Anna Wolfe to reveal her sources.
She exposed how the nation's poorest state spent federal welfare money. Now she might go to jail.www.nbcnews.com "The rabbit's got the gun now," said a lawyer for former Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, who is trying to force reporter Anna Wolfe to reveal her sources.
Little weasel Mikee Johnson is one scary SOB. He has one focus: implementing his messiah's mission. And he thinks he's doing it all in the name of the Lord. That single- and simple-mindedness is truly fascist fanaticism. He scares me as much as Mitch McConnell and the Gang of 6 in the Supreme Court.
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The Heritage Foundation is an activist conservative think tank in D.C. By "heritage," they believe women, POC, immigrants and LGBTQ should be put back in their "place," leaving those they consider the superior beings – white males – in charge. They're pigs. They want a return to 1950.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
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“I will not use my office to the fullest extent allowable but my opponent will” is a really bad takeaway actually. Just pack the court man.
Getting old sucks. Introspection is one element of it. I just never had time to reflect 'til now on how or why I've screwed up so badly. It's taken me this long to identify personal traits/habits that've made my life unhappy or unproductive. I now see why people tend to prefer to be where I am not.
Hello, book people! I am finishing an edit for a client's first book (a YA historical novel). I would like to help her identify some agents and/or publishers to query (even though this is outside my scope of work; I'm just trying to be nice). Any recommendations?
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As Justice Elena Kagan wrote in her dissent last Friday, “The majority disdains restraint, and grasps for power” — and the justices are “making a laughing-stock” of long-standing judicial principles. www.rollingstone.com/politics/pol...
The Supreme Court Is a Joke. It’s Not Funnywww.rollingstone.com The justices accidentally, repeatedly referenced laughing gas in a disastrous ruling before declaring that judges know better than agency regulators.
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Holy fuck Trump said “illegals” are taking Black and Hispanic jobs. Holy fuck. This motherfucker.
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Donald Trump cannot answer straightforward questions about anything. He can’t answer them from regular people; he can’t answer them on a debate stage, and he can’t answer them under oath — at least if he doesn’t want a perjury charge. And he’s not the answer for this country or this election.
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tweeted this four years ago and it pretty much sums up my feelings on this shit
Headed to Halifax, Nova Scotia, later this summer. Any recommendations on the top 3 things to see, restaurants to eat, places to visit?
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I had an interesting conversation with a 13-year-old about separating the art from the artist. (We were talking about actors and writers whose works are great but their politics and/or personal opinions are horrible.) I was surprised that someone that young would be able to get it.
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please sign my petition to post the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition on the wall of every Louisiana classroom
Looking for a movie that's not the usual 21st century superhero or horror or post-apocalyptic schlock? Try this one.
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Reposted byAvatar Jambalaya Val
He's committed to this now. He knows, and he can't stop helping
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Forgive me. The median household income in the United States is $74,580. Medians aren’t skewed by outliers the way that means are; medians just say 50% of households make more than this and 50% make less. You could remove thousands of households from either side without much change.
And some Methodists in America are embracing their homophobia and acting very un-Methodist, leaving the United Methodist Church because they don't like having that homophobia pointed out. John Wesley would be ashamed.