
I keep thinking of the medium-info swing voter in 2016 who, at the last minute, decided not to go for Hillary bc she'd be consumed by scandals and investigations. The "actually it's defying the constitution and will of the voter to investigate the president" CW came too late!
He wasn't a median voter but I remember Doug Schoen, a Clinton hanger-on who hasn't done anything real in decades, going on Fox to say that the Comey letter clinched it: He could not possibly vote for Clinton. If she won nobody would remember the Comey letter! It didn't lead to shit!
The robust conservative media infrastructure has retconned 2016: The scandal accusations against Trump were, in retrospect, attempts to steal the election of the legitimate president. The candidate who kept getting whacked by the FBI and hackers? Yeah she tried to rig it
TBF, if Democrats did try to rig an election, that is what it would look like.
Dems would rig an election for the republicans in the name of bipartisanship
Jeffries: "America needs a strong Republican Party"
As I remember, you were one of the asshole bros who butter emails & but-not-THAT-woman'd Hillary to defeat, so maybe you can sit this one out?
You're misremembering. Cite a source.
It looks like you've deleted your Clinton tweets from before December 2016 so that will be difficult. Clever.
Yes, Twitter is the only source.
Pretty sure the burden of proof is on you here. The Wayback Machine exists. And the 2-minute spotcheck I just performed for the fuck of it does not support your contention. And a desire to forget 2016's Twitter hell is not nefarious.
I was not an HRC fan but between her and Trump the choice was clear. Still when that story dropped my initial reaction was, "I've had enough of this shit. To hell with it I'll vote 3rd party or something." Then a couple minutes later I smacked myself out of it. I voted HRC in 2016. How many didn't?
FOX News would have flogged the Comey letter for months. It would have added it to its rotation of GOP ratf*ckery against Clinton alongside Benghazi, Whitewater, etc. Still not a reason to not vote for Clinton. Spot the sabotage.
The Comey letter was such bullshit. That man broke an FBI rule that had never been broken to share with Americans a meaningless letter during an election that could do nothing but sabotage the election. The whole thing was a sham and Comey should never be able to eat anywhere.
Right wing conservative media has kicked the asses of every other media in getting their message out. Conservatives excel at playing the dirty games the left is too chickenshit (or maybe too ethical) to play.
They barely remembered it anyway. He was a resistance hero within like a year or something
And everyone should remember that the White House has done little to nothing about the robust conservative media infrastructure. The Trump admin got the FCC complete within a few months, and the Trump FCC rolled back anti-consolidation rules that let Sinclair expand. Biden FCC? Bupkis.
Biden admin took over a year to nominate the last FCC commish seat, Gigi Sohn. Then the White House hung her out to dry. She withdrew a year later. Liberals have run from media fights. What a huge mistake. (More on FCC noms and actions here)
Then there were lefties who never saw a 3rd party candidate they didn't love.
Did people fearing how an investigation might slow a president really exist? (vs people who just didn't trust the politician)