Jen Vogt-Erickson

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Jen Vogt-Erickson

Part jack pine, part floating bog.

"Charity is no substitute for justice withheld." -St. Augustine
Here's the thing: Trump *is* an authoritarian who wants to destroy democracy. This isn’t a smear, it’s a fact. That Trump got shot doesn’t change the necessity of him being defeated at the ballot box, nor does it absolve him of his past misdeeds.
Multiple things are true about Trump's Political violence is wrong. And Trump is the candidate of political violence.
Stop telling us the political rhetoric is becoming too violent if you’re too cowardly to mention who, exactly, is making it so.
Strawberry workers at this Salinas area crew have been at it for almost 8 hours on this sunny day. They earn piece rate so they work as fast as they can so they can earn as much as possible. Their body hurts at the end of the day but this work feeds their family. #WeFeedYou
Project 2025 is terrifying. The people behind it are also weird. Meet John McEntee, who ran personnel for Trump's White House. He also runs a shady "dating" app for lonely MAGA men. The marketing for the app is more pathetic than you're imagining.
Project 2025 leader John McEntee founded an app to hustle cash from lonely MAGA In Trump world, there's always money to be made by sowing the destruction of American society
Truly the major question this cycle is whether you want to live in a theocracy or not.
Here’s a new fresh horror I hadn’t considered yet: not only will GOP change rules to entrench their hold on power if they gain the presidency in November, they will also entrench the detachment from reality of all Republican voters, by wrecking the machinery of objective fact gathering
Had dinner with an attorney friend of mine last night who told me that when the immunity decision was announced, he threw his constitutional law book in the trash. After reading this brilliant indictment of the Trump/Roberts court by, I understand why
The Supreme Court Has Murdered the America’s founding document is now an all-but-meaningless scrap of paper. Happy Fourth!
Right-wing legal talking heads are focusing on arguing that it is RIDICULOUS to say that a second-term Trump will be empowered by immunity to do horrific things, while carefully preparing to argue in seven months that it is RIGHT that Trump do horrific things which aren’t actually horrific anyway.
With #Beryl barreling across the Caribbean as the earliest cat. 5 on record, let’s remember that things are just going to get worse as we continue to consume nearly 100 million barrels of oil every day.
This coming week, temperatures in Death Valley will be the hottest in the recorded history of this planet. Beryl is the earliest category four storm in the history of Atlantic hurricane season. People, both now and in the future, need us to stave off fascism and build a world where they can live.
lol see yall in the gulag
House of the Dragon really captures the patriarchal lie about motherhood. There’s so much sentimentality about mothers, but in reality, both mothers and children are readily sacrificed for male convenience.
Been thinking about this & seems inescapable that the only way forward is for people in power to be willing to expose themselves to physical risk to hold Republicans accountable Like, accept that there’ll be death threats & some individuals who’ll commit violence (but really that’ll happen anyway)
cApItALiSm iS tHe BeSt WaY tO mAnAgE sCaRcItY
The AI facility in Musk’s new Gigafactory in Texas will house 50,000 Nvidia H100 GPUs. Each one consumes about 3,740 kWh annually. So *just to power the GPUs,* Musk will need 187GWh per year. This is higher annual consumption than some entire countries.
Found myself explaining to a friend how the four academic professorship ranks are Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor, and the Mervin G. Capitalist Endowed Chair in Peculiarly-Specific Studies.
Based on their yearly premium increases for the last five years I'm sayin' yeah chop that baby up
There’s no bigger health care company than UnitedHealth Group, the nation’s 4th largest company. It’s bigger than Google. Bigger than Microsoft. Now some lawmakers say UnitedHealth is so big, it’s a national security risk. And they want to chop it down.
UnitedHealth grew very big. Now, some lawmakers want to chop it A cyberattack on a UnitedHealth subsidiary helped paralyze the broader U.S. health system and raise new questions about its sweeping operations.
619 people died in Vancouver, BC alone, during the June 2021 heat emergency. Most of them were poor, elderly, disabled, or combinations thereof; and the majority died inside their own homes
Three years ago the Pacific NW was so hot that the freezing level was a few thousand feet ABOVE the peak of 14,000+-ft tall Mt. Rainier. I did not have central A/C at the time. I do now, because THE CLIMATE HAS CHANGED. Let's deal with the source of THAT instead of shaming individuals.
Amy Donofrio put up a Black Lives Matter flag in her classroom so her students "know that they're cared about." Which made her a target for the DeSantis "war on woke." After years of legal abuse by Florida Republicans, she prevailed. Her story.
Florida Republicans terrorized a teacher for her Black Lives Matter flag — but now she's "I feel vindicated but I also feel sad," said Amy Donofrio, after a judge ruled her banner broke no school rules
Rarely hear anyone extoll FDR as a military genius. But I guess he doesn't get credit for choosing good commanders and letting them do their jobs while transforming the US economy into an efficient military supplier
The United States did a more effective job of mobilizing its populace for war, in less time, and instead of using a genocidal world-conquering ideology, it used the Four Freedoms and Disney short films
To justify legalizing bump stocks, Clarence Thomas literally copied and pasted materials from an extremist pro-gun group whose violent rhetoric makes the NRA look moderate. This is who has the Supreme Court's ear these days.
The Group Helping the Supreme Court Rewrite America’s Gun Laws Is Worse Than the I don’t think that’s anything you could imagine happening even 10 years ago.
If boys are feeling defensive when they hear stories about how male entitlement hurts women, that seems like a good chance to explore why with them. And how practicing empathy towards women might relieve feelings of defensiveness and shame.