
i understand there are people who take Yann LeCun's opinions seriously for some reason. Here's where he tells you to write for free because, when he says "society", he means his AI team at Facebook.
"This seems to suggest... " No, no it doesn't. His entire argument is nonsense. Most authors don't make a lot of money, therefore they should just decide to make zero money instead? Erm... okay mate
You miss the details of his argument. It's "authors should decide to make zero money because if their books were free, more people could read them!" Wait, that doesn't make any more sense, does it?
It's a tempting thought! Can't imagine the benefit to society once my monsterfucker smut is finally free to read for everyone! I expect great societal improvements and advancements in the sciences ... specifically the branch that tries to make dragons a real thing.
This is what AO3 is for - putting all the monsterfucker smut you want to out into the world for free!
I know, I was making a joke. I habe free to read stuff and paid stuff because sometimes I also want to be rewarded for the good stuff
😭 Finally someone is laughing instead of taking me super seriously
Abolishing intellectual property would lead to more efficient dissemination of technical innovations and reduce inefficiencies in sharing scientific and cultural work. It would almost certainly lead to a quick rise in living standards in the third world. IP rents are c. 50% of US healthcare costs.
We're talking about books here, not pharmaceutics, which are subject to patent law, where protection terms are much shorter anyway. No one is going to die, if they have to pay the author for reading a specific book.
The dynamics of enclosure, rent and monopolies remain broadly the same.
'That self-published vampire novel only made its author a couple of hundred dollars, so we should abolish engineering patents' is an ... interesting transition.
Who could have known that the secret to the next big technological invention was hidden in 'Bitten by the Count - Dark Romance Blood Dark Secret Crown of Something Something'?!
It would also lead to far fewer worthy books ever being written. Authors put in years to produce good books and without IP rights they would never make income from those efforts, and thus would not or could not undertake them. Inventors wouldn't invent if it didn't secure them a livelihood. Etc.
If you’re writing solely to make a profit then you aren’t going to be writing anything particularly good anytime soon.
>Inventors wouldn't invent if it didn't secure them a livelihood. Etc. You're wrong, IP is a barrier to invention and its dissemination. Check out the following book by Michele Boldrin and David K. Levine:
Against Intellectual
But also I'm happy that you think my monsterfucker smut is capable of bringing about this kind of positive change
Someone who has never realized that most people (at least subconsciously) associate free with worthless.
It's not the authors who get to decide, copyright is a state led enclosure of information that closes off others from it's benefits, the same as enclosure of landforms example.
Marx's labor theory of value argued that only labor gives a product value. The author decides to invest labor, therefore giving the book value, therefore giving them the right to profit from their labor.
All of the people in publishing should probably earn something 🙄
Sounds like an argument for UBI to me.
The people who are the most ardent supporters of AI are always the people who already make their money off the work of others. Says something important about who wins from it. I have a few friends working directly in AI research, writing papers etc. and they are much more guarded in their optimism.
it is very silly that the people who think they have invented a system where nobody has to pay anyone else for any work have decided that they will somehow get rich off it
Apparently this mindset led at least one AI team to scrape Archive of Our Own because hey! All the writing is free there! What could POSSIBLY go wrong with monetizing “writing” based 100% on fanfiction?
The AI shudders in horror as it learns what "ABO" means.
Then what would Chuck Tingle do for a living?
"Why shouldn't a larger version of this little Crooke's radiometer be able to power my house?"
They resent having to make payroll. That money is THEIRS and they have to give it away? because someone did something they wanted? NO FAIR. (the Venn diagram with anti-taxers is a circle.) It’s toddler rules of property. What’s mine is mine, what’s yours is mine, whatever looks like mine is mine.
Ditto, I know a guy doing his PHD and he's thinking of getting out of it - trying to take the skills somewhere else - because he's so put off by the direction it's going.
“if you all agree to starve, a business model that has no intention of ever rewarding you will become viable” is a pretty incredible take
So, only those who get well paid deserve to get paid for their work while those who earn to little to even feed their families or can plsn for a stable living should work for free. Idiot. Pay people fairly in all jobs. Respect creativity and intellectual property!
Exactly even a small amount of compensation makes it viable for people to write along while they work other jobs.
By the same logic even a small drop in living costs or increase income otherwise arranged helps it make viable to write while they work other jobs.
Are you suggesting they should not be compensated because of a drop living costs or should be working more rather than actually getting paid for their product? If their product has so little value why do companies want to steal and use it?
I am suggesting that there are more efficient means of achieving the ends you proposed Tham copyright.
But why shouldn't they profit from their original creation? Especially when companies deem it valuable enough to steal? Perhaps everyone involved in ai should give up being paid and create themselves other income streams or hope for a drop in cost of living to allow them to live.
and on top of that load of nonsense, the idea that AI businesses themselves would be profitable is another layer of nonsense in the crapburger. what, servers should be free too? 🤨
The AI infobrokers who want to sell their AI generated solutions don't think it's worthwhile to pay real humans to generate that stuff for them, but think other companies will find it worthwhile to pay them. You've already made yourself obsolete in your hypothetical solution!