
"The profound rupture we feel today between the past and the present is a rupture in the moral history of the world since the ground zero of 1945." Really thoughtful and comprehensive and righteous stuff from Pankaj Mishra. Puts a name on a lot of my everyday dread.
Pankaj Mishra · The Shoah after Memories of Jewish suffering at the hands of Nazis are the foundation on which most descriptions of extreme ideology and...
This is a phenomenal piece of writing
Yeah it feels definitive.
I am admittedly not well-versed on the history behind this conflict - at a certain point, with Ukraine & US shit and a desire not to be overwhelmed with it all, choices of time & energy come into play - but I really appreciated the historical view & weaving 80 years of Israeli governance into it
The thing about Israel dynamiting the foundations of the post war world order that was set up to prevent the war and Holocaust is... Ayoye. Really scary but seems hard to argue with.
Going to be sitting with this one for quite a while
I saved this for this morning, and this was very comprehensive and, well, depressing. I never realized how many forward-thinking Jewish critics of Israeli expansionism grew so despondent that they killed themselves. Also, the Elie Wiesel stuff saddens me as someone who read his work in school.
I read this yesterday and was pretty moved, and also got angrier at my Jewish friends and family who are either cheering this shit on or at best looking the other way