Jeffrey Wuhl

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Jeffrey Wuhl

Philly sports mostly, some politics, a little Medicine
Reposted byAvatar Jeffrey Wuhl
Live look at America, a big dumb garish metal piece of shit with no safety features burning from the inside while it sinks into the ocean
timeline cleanse
Reposted byAvatar Jeffrey Wuhl
Maybe "Try that in a small town" was a poor choice of slogan
Reposted byAvatar Jeffrey Wuhl
Just a reminder: it’s good to oppose assassinations. But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.
Reposted byAvatar Jeffrey Wuhl
a dead giveaway that project 2025 was written specifically for—and with input from—trump:
The truest thing Trump ever said was that the (corporate) media is the enemy of the people
Reposted byAvatar Jeffrey Wuhl
Anyway this guy is also a Holocaust denier and that’s been greeted with considerably less alarm than Jamaal Bowman saying the Israel lobby was spending against him
Basically republican media are like Eagles fans with the backup QB
This is the exact same phenomenon whereby the second place candidate in Dem primaries becomes very popular. the RW media pumps them up because it causes problems for the actual nominee. This is how Hillary Clinton became "the most popular politician in the country" in 2009!
Reposted byAvatar Jeffrey Wuhl
Reactionary voting is so funny to me. I also would prefer to not have my neighborhoods shops robbed or destroyed but it does not follow that I’d vote for a racist game show imbecile to address that concern It’s the exact same as telling me to cure my Charley horse you can chop off your own leg…
Entire cities policies have been upended and made more brutal for a generation driven largely off the rhetoric and media fueled fears of a stranger approaching a voter in a “dark alley.” It was only natural that the televised images of the late spring / summer of 2020, coupled with a party leader…
Reposted byAvatar Jeffrey Wuhl
Not that anyone particularly cares about original meaning, but think folks should still say it out loud: For all of the things that are unclear in the founding documents and unknowabilities of what the Founders intended, "the President can kill anyone or commit a coup" was *never* legally arguable
Was arguing with some dipshit lady the other day whose daughter goes to Texas and when I asked (politely and genuinely) whether this stuff made her nervous snarkily told me "we have the means to take care of that". No concept that sometimes emergencies happen and you can't just hop on a plane
There's a douchebag on our tail
It is Do-the-Right-Thing hot out there
This is true but it's also undeniable that the quality of the hoagies is significantly worse than it was 20-30 years ago
I know it’s en vogue to besmirch the humble wawa hoagie, but the fact that you can get an average to above-average hoagie throughout the eastern seaboard is a marvel of supply chain efficiency
Celtics: win 18th championship Sixers:
When I was a resident in the early 2000s people were still dying of AIDS. People would come into the hospital with diarrhea and literally die from it. Now I'd probably rather have HIV than diabetes. Absolutely incredible.
I think it's totally insane that more people don't know about PrEP. The fact that we have a prophylactic medication to prevent HIV is one of the greatest medical achievements of my lifetime. It's hard to explain just how hopeless the fight against AIDS felt in the 80s and 90s.
If this was the Sixers getting boatraced up 3-0 in the Finals I'd be suicidal
Does anyone know how to get this app to keep your place on your TL so you can read posts in chronological order instead of reverse chronological order? Sometimes it keeps my place and then sometimes it automatically takes me to the latest post when I open the app
Reposted byAvatar Jeffrey Wuhl
In part 2 (of 3) in my Philadelphia 76ers offseason primer, I dive into: - The apron (and double apron) restrictions. - The new luxury tax (and repeater tax) penalties. And how they'll impact the Sixers pursuit of, and ability to maintain, a 3-star roster.
The new CBA and its impact on the Philadelphia 76ers' pursuit of a third star - PHLY In part two of a three-part Philadelphia 76ers free agency primer, we're going to dive into recent changes to the collective bargaining agreement, how the new
Uncut Gems Sixers about to have SIX combined rings. Kill me.
Reposted byAvatar Jeffrey Wuhl
In both substance and tone there's basically no daylight between this shit and a mass shooter manifesto
The Heritage Foundation is already declaring the 2024 election rigged beyond repair
Reposted byAvatar Jeffrey Wuhl
If I just clap more for Craig Kimbrel he'll throw strikes
If the people who make a hobby out of criticizing Democrats for their “poor messaging” decided to ease up on the criticism and make the case for Democrats instead, Biden might be doing better in the polls. Might cost you a few savvy style points, but saving democracy just might be worth it.
Avatar when are we getting a full iPad app?