
If you are around NYC on Thursday you should come to our reading, if only to watch me try to read around the em-dashes in my writing in an attempt to make the sentences comprehensible. A thrill ride in itself! It's at Yu & Me in Chinatown at 7pm.
I read my work aloud sometimes to better catch typos and weird phrasing and have never figured out how the em-dashed stuff is supposed to sound. I've settled on "quick aside that's somehow three entire sentences." Basically the disclaimer in a pharmaceutical commercial.
Yeah I have just erred on the side of taking it out in most cases. I need to be able to remember what the first word of the sentence was when I get to the last one. When I'm reading it out loud, anyway.
the em-dash is basically the yowl of a cat in heat.
You sound like someone who's never tried to learn German
I have the perfect t-shirt for this
How do you (as a group) decide which Defector pieces to read?
Oh, we decide individually, within some basic guidelines like "do not read anything over 1000 words, it's rude."