
alito is playing in our faces because he knows there’s nothing we can do about it and he has total contempt for the idea that he might be accountable for anything he does
Love the Democrats ruling out ever doing anything about it. Heck of an opposition party
Honestly asking: what are their options? They can impeach justices, right?
Impeachment starts in the House, so that's right out, at the moment. However, the Senate Judiciary could hold hearings. Use them as a means to move public opinion and raise the salience of this issue.
They've ruled out expanding the court, which is the only realistic way to reduce the conservative power, so the worst they can do are public scoldings.
i need people to understand that expanding the court is such a heavy political lift that it basically has not been done since the civil war when there was literally no opposition to it in congress.
But unicorns! Thanks. I get so freaking tired of “just expand the court,” as if it’s about as difficult as getting a perm or opting for a double-breasted blazer.
Seems like a problem that people are going all in on the idea that "democracy is on the line" with this election, but everyone already agrees that the Supreme Court is already a corrupt, unaccountable shadow executive and that there's nothing anyone can do about it
You’re correct that SCOTUS has been captured for the foreseeable future. But it’s not an exaggeration to say that democracy is on the line because of what happens if the fascists capture the White House and Congress. The White House alone is probably enough to kill democracy.
By 2040, 70% of Senate seats will represent 30% of the country. The problem is that while Republicans may not like democracy, the constitution doesn't much like it either.
There's nothing anyone can do about it in the short term. Unfortunately people have the attention span of a gnat.