
It's pretty fucked up that, in the "movie collections" section of Letterboxd, they leave out the 2016 remake. Sorry, sad weird dudes, it still counts as part of the franchise.
I only understand the argument if they’re not including reboots, but why leave reboots out if you’re including any other movies other than the original, because if you’re worried about subpar works entering the canon, you really need to start at the beginning of the problem.
Ghostbusters 2 is so much worse than the remake that it's fucking laughable how people act about the franchise.
The remake/reboot actually has some bits that work. Like, Chris Hemsworth as the clueless himbo receptionist is so good. I don't love some of the writing for Leslie Jones, but this series poorly serving Black characters is almost canon in itself.
One of the reasons J. Michael Straczynski quit the cartoon is that the network suddenly mandated that Winston was "The Driver" of Ecto-1 and he said fuck that. He talks about it in that one box set from like 15 years ago from Time-Life.