
It's pretty fucked up that, in the "movie collections" section of Letterboxd, they leave out the 2016 remake. Sorry, sad weird dudes, it still counts as part of the franchise.
I only understand the argument if they’re not including reboots, but why leave reboots out if you’re including any other movies other than the original, because if you’re worried about subpar works entering the canon, you really need to start at the beginning of the problem.
Ghostbusters 2 is so much worse than the remake that it's fucking laughable how people act about the franchise.
And if you want to talk about open contempt for canon, G2 utterly ignores Dana’s highly specialized career path of Professional Musician Talented Enough To Have a Symphony Chair In New York for the equally specialized path of Highly Specialized European Royal Portraiture Restoration.
I don’t even know if she’d have completed the training for that in the time between G1 and G2, much less lined up a fairly high position doing it largely unsupervised for large swathes of time.
It's all so fucking lazy. I know Dan Aykroyd's original idea had them going to Ireland and dealing with fairies. It probably would have still been crappy since most everyone involved wasn't enthusiastic, but at least it would have been DIFFERENT.
I mean also, a babylonian god/lovecraftian entity manifested in Manhattan after being heralded by biblical plagues of demonic activity ...and a few years later people forget ghosts exist
For a cul du sac of the Ghostbusters being committed
Well, I mean… *waves at Trump, Covid, etc.*
that's actually a good point. A good Ghostbusters sequel using COVID, etc, as a starting point about the Busters being forgotten and laughed at, could be pretty funny. But no, we're just gonna keep doing sequels that do the same fucking thing.
That part was fine. It basically uses the same excuse that the fourth Hitchhiker's guide book does: the public are fed an excuse that, while weak, frankly makes more sense than the truth, and they all buy it and get back to their lives. It's honestly unusually realistic
She’s a polymath!
The Gatekeeper was a skilled painter in life and Dana kept her skills after the possession ended. (That's my No Prize attempt, anyway.)
The remake/reboot actually has some bits that work. Like, Chris Hemsworth as the clueless himbo receptionist is so good. I don't love some of the writing for Leslie Jones, but this series poorly serving Black characters is almost canon in itself.
One of the reasons J. Michael Straczynski quit the cartoon is that the network suddenly mandated that Winston was "The Driver" of Ecto-1 and he said fuck that. He talks about it in that one box set from like 15 years ago from Time-Life.
Of course there are inconsistencies and exceptions in how they apply this. e.g. for some reason Rocky and Creed are kept in separate collections, but Jurassic Park and Jurassic World are counted together as a single series.
And is better than half of the official ones imo
Hell, I ain't seen frozen empire, but I'm willing to say it's the only other good Live Action Ghostbusters so far. It ain't great, but it's fun, and half the cast doesn't seem miserable as fuck.
I think this is a bit unclear, so I want to clarify and say I'm talking about the remake here
For how mirthlessly serious afterlife is on Ghostbusters it sure did just get the lore on Gozer wrong
Everything about Gozer being in Afterlife is terrible. They reuse the score, they redo the ending. It's fucking terrible. I would understand making the score sound like the OG's but straight-up reusing cues is so fucking lazy.
And it’s an actual comedy unlike the last two which were mostly just action horror with a few jokes thrown in
Personally, I think Caspar makes it in, too, but that's a separate discussion.
It wasn't great but really it was fine. It suffered from people just deciding certain styles of comedy are bad and that on top of all the bad faith attacks just killed it in the public eye Honestly still annoyed a AVGN for being the main factor in legitimizing hating on a movie which he hadn't seen
Like seriously, I know many are fond of James Rolfe but him publically announcing he was not going to see the movie, not because of women but because he just didn't think it looked good, was senseless given his career choice and enabled a million chuds to go "um..totally, me too. No misogyny here!"