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I've been inspired to take a closer look at the plants of Long Island after seeing plants from around the world posted here. Here's two I've never noticed and found today. Buttonbush and Wineberry! #naturephotography #plants
Hempstead Lake State Park - again. I went back to reshoot dragonflies, I thought the ones I took yesterday could be better and it gave me a project, got me out of the house. Here are blue damselfly, common whitetail and amberwing dragonflies. #dragonfly #naturephotography
Hempstead Lake State Park Long Island today. Those are vacated cicada shells under the blue damsel fly! The other dragonfly is a yellow winded darter. The egret is always good Feng Shui and the pedal powered swans were quite friendly. ;-) #birds #dragonflys #EgretFengShui
Earl the Egret getting his share of the fish survey samples from the NYS DEC staff at Oceanside. He's been enjoying the company of the the staff and visitors there for 18 years. #birds
Low tide Heron happy hour at Oceanside. #birds
Oceanside Osprey at MNSA. #birds
Enjoyed the breeze off of the Great South Bay this morning at MSNC in Oceanside L.I. #birds
The Osprey cam is out at MNSC Oceanside L.I. and we are still fenced away from the nest. But I was able to get a few reasonable pictures and can see two chicks that are doing well! #birds
Least Sandpipers and a Herring Gull snacking at Plum Beach, Brooklyn. #birds
If you lost a sailboat recently let me know and I will tell you which beach this is on. #sailboats #beachcombing #lostandfound
Last year this month the water lilies were covered with soot from the Canadian forest fires, this year has been better. The blue-eyed cormorant was sunning, the great egret caught a nice sized pumpkinseed fish and the goslings have gotten huge! Levy Preserve, Merrick, Long Island. #Birds
P2 The egret chick was new to the pond's floating island and learned where to stand and when to leave giving me some easy action shots. ;-) #birds
I rarely see an egret at the pond in Levy Preserve L.I. so I took too way too many pictures. P1 #birds
Purple Martin development MSNC Marsh, Oceanside L.I. #birds
Yellow Crowned Night Heron. MSNC Marsh, Oceanside L.I. #Birds
We all know that trying to shoot a white bird at a distance will make details blow out by overexposure. Egrets look like a piece of Styrofoam at the end of the reach of my lens. Shy they like to keep their distance so tracking one made the last shot here a good finish to my day at the marsh. #birds
I hadn't seen low tide at this marsh before, it looked so surreal with the bright green seaweed draped over the rocks. I took a few pictures then noticed the tiny sand pipers working the shore, one of my favorites. Nice surprise! Marine Nature Study Center, Oceanside L.I. #birds
A strange and loud bird call came from the brush when a bird quietly strolled onto the trail then back into the brush. Not much to look at I thought as I took it's picture. Later googling the photo I found it was a clapper bird, rarely seen as it hides in dense vegetation. Ah, what a find! #birds
When I saw the tern flying like a rocket, turning on a dime, dropping like a stone to dive and catch its prey I knew that was my challenge, to get a few pictures of this bird in motion. Then later, when the tern perched on a railing near me for a few minutes I just laughed to myself. #Birds
Reposted byAvatar Dennis
samuel morse sending the first telegraph, 1844 (colorized)
Alexander Graham Bell had a basic bitch first telephone line when he was line hey Doug get in here a ring a ding ding but Samuel Morse knocked it out of the park with the first telegraph line which was “what hath God wrought?” THAT guy understood where we’d be in 2024
I didn't have to hike too far for this photo. The fawn was born in my backyard last night and is bedding in the tall grass and wild flowers. #wildbeasts
A beautifully quiet morning. Tanglewood Preserve, Rockville Centre L.I. #naturephotography #birds
More from Oceanside L.I. yesterday. Herring gull with crab lunch, sandpiper, swallow and cormorant. Nice day! #naturephotography #birds
The MNSC in Oceanside L.I. is a tidal marsh preserve with raised walkways and trails. Henry is a fixture here, a yellow crowned night heron, always chill, rarely moves and never hunts. He simply waits for something to come near him to eat, yesterday crabs were on the menu! #naturephotography #birds
This Purple Iris totally surprised me today! I found it growing by the side of the salt marsh at the Marine Nature Study Center in L.I. #naturephotography #flowers
RNA from a patient’s excised tumor was isolated and used to create a personalized vaccine. Amplifying the tumor’s messenger RNA (mRNA) presented the tumor cells to the immune system as a virus eliciting a targeted immune response upon reentry into the bloodstream!
New mRNA cancer vaccine triggers fierce immune response to fight malignant brain In a first-ever human clinical trial of four adult patients, an mRNA cancer vaccine developed at the University of Florida quickly reprogrammed the immune system to attack glioblastoma, the most aggre...
Eastern Great Egret, Mill Pond L.I. There are some days you just shouldn't wear white. And days when I shouldn't get too tight on my shot. But always good to see them! #birds #wildlifephotography
Grackles at Tanglewood Rockville Center L.I. Amazingly iridescent. Grackle comes from the Latin word “graculus” or “European crow”. #birds #naturephotography
Back to Mill Pond, Rockville center L.I. with red winged blackbirds. It never gets old. #birds #wildlifephotography