
VICTORY! I am hooking up my sound bar that I haven't had hooked up for years. I needed an AUX cable. Did I have one handy? No. Did I go to The Big Box Of Cables? YES! And what did I find there? THE EXACT CABLE I NEED! As well as an S-video cable and 9 RCA cables, if anyone needs some of those.
Got plenty, thanks. Can I offer you some thin Ethernet cables?
Oh, I *also* have lots of long serial cables and gender changers and random twisted pairs for setting up impromptu networking at kids' camps in rented school buildings. And a stack of V.34 modems. And probably an ISDN modem card somewhere...
I have prototype PCMCIA Wifi adapters for which I wrote the firmware.
I had a US Robotics PCMCIA refrigerator magnet. It was the case with the guts replaced with the magnet.
I think my father still has some Itanium processors. There was some kind of mixup with the power supplies used in QA and they fried a bunch of them.
I have a handful of Intel and IBM processors encased in Lucite and mounted on clocks and business card cases and a hologram of an Inmos transputer
That’s very cool! I still mourn for the Transputer (and Occam): lovely chips to work on
So used to work with Tim King who wrote the research OS for the transputer
We shared a building with Perihelion which developed Helios. I got to play with some interesting development hardware beyond the ATW. The most fun was the multiplayer VR rig that I think ended up in the Trocadero.
We saw an SUV in Silicon Valley with the custom plate ITANIUM - a big boxy Ford Explorer that runs hot and was of the vintage to be what someone at Intel spent their bonus on
That person needs to get a Cybertruck and swap plates.
To be fair, it probably sold considerably fewer units than Pokemon Go did ;) Quite a few people relying on all the work I did to try to make sure that WiFi cards from different manufacturers had some guarantee of interoperability, rather than just the vague possibility, mind :)