Peter Smith

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Peter Smith

I’m just this guy, you know?

Love the vibe here.
This is the classic rock radio station I would sometimes listen to when I was a kid
Family: *watching Star Ward* Me: “The dirtiest line in Star Wars is soon.” Wife: *completely missed it* She’s so innocent it’s scary.
We’re less than a month to the start of GenCon 2024. Any of my mutuals making the trip to Indianapolis this year?
Let’s get this party started!
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Would prices need to be adjusted? Aren’t tariffs paid when the product enters the country, or do they get applied at the point of sale?
I’m not even talking about that; it must have been a nightmare though. I’m talking about: you work at Ace Hardware. You wake up one morning and suddenly there’s a tariff on foreign steel. Do you have to go resticker everything in the store today?
Me: *putting atomic relish on my hot dog* Son: “What are you putting on your taco?” I’m so proud of him!
Now that the debate is over I can look towards the important things in the future. Like this 18lb bone-in pork shoulder in my fridge. and when was the last time you smoked a shoulder? I’m hearing 90min/lb at 225°F, is that a legit expectation?
Simulated burnt ends. wanted you to see these.
Greetings Vancouver seems to be a place with things to do. Can you (or anyone reading this) think of places to go, things to do, to fill a week’s vacation?
PT and TKD in the same day. I have zero flights of stairs left in me tonight. Goodnight all.
It’s 88°, feels like 95°, and my office is cold enough that I’m missing my hoodie. C’mon people, we don’t need to work in an icebox.
My Father’s Day cooking efforts (part beef). 45 minutes at 185°F, followed by about 1.5 hours at 225°F. Seared for thirty seconds a side at 500°F.
Seeing TV shows like this reminds me of this classic: “Light a fire for a homophobe and you will keep them warm for a night. Light a homophobe on fire and you will keep them warm for the rest of their life.” Anybody want to make s’mores?
Doc ordered a new diet to go with my weight loss meds. So I picked up protein drinks for breakfast. Not sure how much good they’ll do as I am seriously reconsidering my primary physical activity: Tae Kwon Do. Why? The Head Master bought a Cyber Truck. And wrapped it as an ad for the dojang. 1/
💀 ☠️ 🐋 💀
i am so far out of my depth here I just saw part of the imploded submersible float by
“Nice rack.” My wife, looking at the reindeer pen at the zoo today (no lie!).
“Nice rack” - Me, trying to act cool at the tennis club pro shop.
It’s Sunday evening. Let’s grill some bacon.
A request for assistance from my peeps here: Does somebody know of a well sourced resource for all the failings of the Cybertruck? I’m trying to hold an intervention before an acquaintance takes possession.
STOP ✋If you are reading this, you’ve reached a Pokémon check point. You’re now obligated to share your favorite Pokémon. is my favorite Pokémon.
STOP ✋If you are reading this, you’ve reached a Pokémon check point. You’re now obligated to share your favorite Pokémon. It's a tie. See if you can notice the theme.
Helluva thing to first see when you pull up BlueSky.
You have to dip an eggplant into salt water to symbolize bathing your massive phallus in liberal tears
First night at Tae Kwon Do in two months. Man am I going to feel it in the…now. But hey, I did last the entire class without having to take a break.
What’s on the smoker? *sniff sniff* Smells like ribs.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Smith
live your life so that when the verdict comes in and you are convicted of 34 felonies millions of people don't celebrate
Reposted byAvatar Peter Smith
I personally want to congratulate Donald Trump for finally winning a popular vote
Reposted byAvatar Peter Smith
it kind of sickens me that all of you are so happy that trump might go to prison. even if you dont agree with him, he is a man with a family. and if you cant understand that, theres a drive into deep left field by castellanos, it will be a home run. and so that will make it a 4–0 ballgame
Reposted byAvatar Peter Smith