Derf Backderf

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Derf Backderf

Maker of fine comics products, incessant scribbler, former garbageman, aging punk rocker.
Adams, Aparo, and let's not forget Irv Novick. Those were MY Batman artists when I was a teenage fan .
Kirby & Me is a great book. Big and heavy. You'll have to go to France to find a copy, as if you need another incentive to go to France.
My contribution to Kirby & Me, a 2016 French tribute to the King. 100 artists draw an homage to Jack. I asked for an un-inked Kirby pencil, and they sent me this fan commission. And I inked it! Such a thrill. I also knocked Vince Colletta off his spot as all-time worst Kirby inker.
My first comics, as a 10-year-old kid, were those Fourth World Jimmy Olsens with the Guardian. I love them so much.
Reposted byAvatar Derf Backderf
Every screenshot of the RNC I've seen looks like this.
Covid is spiking again and Comic Con starts next week. I'm not going, but if you are, wear a mask and be careful. Recent cons have been Covid superspreaders. It's apparently a nasty strain that takes weeks to kick.
Here's more depressing Unfettered Capitalism news. The longtime owner of Second City, Andrew Alexander, who made his fortune launching SCTV from Toronto & then bought the whole operation, retired under a cloud & during Covid sold Second City to a private equity creep. Here's the whole series btw.
SCTV (Second City TV) Seasons 1 to 6 [1976-84] Second City Television, commonly shortened to SCTV and later known as SCTV Network and SCTV Channel, is a Canadian television sketch comedy show that ran int...
Crapped all over your legacy there, pal. Enjoy that fat check as private equity runs your theater into the tar pit.
It's false "wealth." OK, my house is worth twice what I pair for it 20 years ago, but so what? If I sell it, where am I gonna go? Buy another house in an overheated market? Guess my kids can cash in when I croak from old age. If Mad King Cheeto doesn't burn the country to the ground, that is.
Whoa. Interesting process. I loved Giraud's lettering.
It is. This worked out SO well back in the Aughts, when the entire fucking financial collapsed in a heap.
I'm talking about home appraisals here. Didn't make that clear.
Yeah, that's an accurate description.
Yow. Just got my revaluation from the county. The value went up $100,000 in just 6 years! I knew the market was hot here in Cleveland, but damn. It's because of Investment Bros buying and flipping homes, of course, or turning homes into lucrative rentals. The city is crawling with these creeps.
One of the big advantages of living in this funky old city was the inexpensive housing. Guess that's fucking over! Not good. Our taxes will only rise a little. The "value" only comes into play when we sell. I've thought about a smaller house. But it would cost more than this one!
You're right. No clear leader. That's what is so fascinating about the era. EC (and its imitators), Dell, Archie all selling massive numbers of books. DC successful as the superdude publisher. And don't forget the explosion of romance and war comics. Then the witch hunts. It deserves a name.
Well, it would be car show mint, of course. But here's MY color.
Well, sure, although you could make that same argument with, say, Conan and Archie in the Bronze. Interregnum is a cool word. I think calling that era a mere "interval" though is inaccurate, given the profound influence of those books, especially EC. I mean, Mad alone!
That's a beaut. Looks like something a pilot would drive!
I always felt there should be an Age between the Gold and Silver. The EC Age, The Pre-Code Age or maybe the Wertham Age. Because those books were definitely not like anything before-- EC, Atlas, Lev Gleason, etc etc.
Here's JD Vance, guarding his parents' woodpile from marauding blue jays. Such a rugged little rightwinger, right down to his $250 jeans and Italian shoes.
A 1963 T-bird. I've been in love with this thing since I was a little kid. My neighbor had one. She was a doctor. Their house was in the woods, so when she came out the driveway, it was like the Batmobile roaring out of the Batcave.
if you won a million dollars what would be the first ridiculous thing you'd buy? something silly and pretty and fun for yourself. it can be small. I'd buy a hot pink e-bike or vespa, and give it pink marabou streamers.
Reposted byAvatar Derf Backderf
Well I'm given to understand that today & for a VERY limited time, our nation's political violence party is shocked—shocked!—to learn that we currently live in a world of normalized political violence, and would like very much to know who is to blame. Full Essay:
Gambling In Being blamed for a world of political violence by the people who force us to live in it, and are now shocked-shocked!—by it. Navigating the daily trauma of living in a bully's paradise.
“A single-digit percentage decline in the comics and graphic novel market in 2023 is a huge win,” ICv2 President Milton Griepp said. “Readers that found or re-found comics and graphic novels during Covid are sticking around. That’s a testament to the power of the medium."
Report: Comics sales down 7% in Overall comics and graphic novel sales were down 7% in North America, reports ICv2's Milton Griepp., with similar drops by channel and format
Reposted byAvatar Derf Backderf
Every picture of JD Vance looks like he’s the brother of a major sports athlete who got caught stealing memorabilia from the locker room.
Every picture of JD Vance makes it look like he was the first one dumped on the latest season of Love Is Blind and he is bitter AF about it.
Really. Why, is it cringe? Or just not very good?
Haha. A glow-in-the dark cover on the next issue. Groan. Classic 1990s!