
Once you start letting bad people define and box in femininity and womanhood and who is "allowed" to be a woman do you think they're ever going to stop?
In light of the Labour manifesto: Trans rights _are_ women's rights. I don't mean that in a "Trans Rights Are Human Rights" way, I mean that anti-trans policies are inevitably harmful to all women (as women), and, conversely, that trans-positive norms are a proximal boon to women.
Or any people, really. Let people transition. Let people be what they want to be. Let people live the lives that make them happy and harm no one. For fuck's sake it's their own bodies. Subsidize that shit and let people transition as much as they like. Go full kemmer imo
The next logical step (which some people I really respect argue here) is that treatments like breast augmentation should be covered for cis people as well - discrediting the “cosmetic” terminology
bodily autonomy is bodily autonomy. give gymbros T gel and make sure their levels are safe. fuck it. who cares! if more testosterone makes someone happy why should we let the ghost of Richard Fucking Nixon get in the way?