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29, hrt femboy, physical manifestation of Baphomet. I post about planes, trains, automobiles, computers, the dismal science, and my cats.
The Tory loses, Labour wins get in there lewis #f1
British GP has been fucking incredible #f1
Reposted byAvatar supergauntlet
This is the right amount of Biryani to make.
I've been saying this. this is literally me
thinking about starting an annoying and complicated bit where i insist that im “a theyfab”
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"you're not American why do you care about the 4th of July" mate I'm Indian, any day someone got the Brits to fuck off back to their country is a national holiday for me
Reposted byAvatar supergauntlet
the most important thing u can do to reach self actualization is acknowledging how fucking annoying u are but refusing to behave differently
Reposted byAvatar supergauntlet
y'all are watching the debate for real? like....... for real??
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what is the most breedable genre of metal?
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Yesterday I went on Twitter and saw someone say "Go back to Bluesky with all the rest of the former gifted kids" and wow just absolutely bodied
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Those poor video game misogynists concerned about man-jaws and tomboy busts all imprinted at a terribly early age on Lara Croft's first low-res simply polygonned bosom: it's why they also think the Cybertruck is beautiful.
Reposted byAvatar supergauntlet
hope he kills himself 😊
NEW: A US bankruptcy-court trustee plans shut down conspiracy theorist Alex Jones's Infowars and liquidate its assets to help pay the $1.5 billion in judgments against Jones, he told the court in an emergency motion yesterday
Bankruptcy trustee discloses plan to shut down Alex Jones' Infowars and liquidate Jones has been saying on his web and radio shows that he expects Infowars to operate for...
Reposted byAvatar supergauntlet
I think the only way to be online and maintain sanity is to not care about being online. The moment you start to get addicted to the dopamine from follower count rising or engagement notifications you go at least a little crazy.
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I'm using this for whimsy reasons and you should think about doing so too
Reposted byAvatar supergauntlet
tapping the sign that reads, "you are not the protagonist"
I try very hard not to post about ~discourse~ or ~drama~ too much online but this is legitimately too insane not to this woman has gotten booted from every single community she's ever been in for being an insane creepy fed and yet somehow she keeps crawling back. a fucking lich.
you're fucking kidding me Laurelai fucking Bailey was directly involved? every new social media platform is an opportunity for a new group of people to learn why you shouldn't trust @stuxnetsource
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the c in atproto stands for conflict resolution
Reposted byAvatar supergauntlet
i am going to get so much use out of this
Reposted byAvatar supergauntlet
I'm actually fine with people flirting and being sexual at me if they stop when I say stop and it's on an appropriate post/they double check in DMs or whatever.
man like I just want one single local tranny server with an avg age around 30 that doesn't mute me on substring match of 'kill yourself' because the mods are too steven universe to kick out annoying people and doesnt ping everyone telling me to take my meds and drink my water uwu
Reposted byAvatar supergauntlet
Today I was waiting at the deli counter as “Live Forever” was playing in the food store. A woman of about 80 pulled up to order. As the chorus went by, I imagined turning to her and saying conversationally, “You and I are gonna live forever,” because I have What’s A Weird Thing You Could Do Syndrome
Reposted byAvatar supergauntlet
As someone who has been the latter: yes exactly
letting white people make self referential race jokes is like letting that person that can’t handle their booze/drugs party with you they get way too fucked up and take it too far and make it everyone else’s problem
that's right this site is for THIRST TRAPS and CAT PICTURES and I'm all out of thirst traps
yall are bored of bluesky because all you use it for is DRAMA and DRAMA has DIMINISHING RETURNS
Reposted byAvatar supergauntlet
seriously someone give me a small budget I promise I won't blow it all on meth in an elaborate meth(od) acting pun
Nick Land as a meth smoking supervillain is actually a really funny concept
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for sale cyber tent never erected
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weed is for people who sit at home and listen to music on headphones