
Once you start letting bad people define and box in femininity and womanhood and who is "allowed" to be a woman do you think they're ever going to stop?
In light of the Labour manifesto: Trans rights _are_ women's rights. I don't mean that in a "Trans Rights Are Human Rights" way, I mean that anti-trans policies are inevitably harmful to all women (as women), and, conversely, that trans-positive norms are a proximal boon to women.
Or any people, really. Let people transition. Let people be what they want to be. Let people live the lives that make them happy and harm no one. For fuck's sake it's their own bodies. Subsidize that shit and let people transition as much as they like. Go full kemmer imo
Sorry, I'm on one this morning
Btw autocorrect horrifyingly tried to change kemmer to Jenner
I woke up thinking I should make this point again. I say it all the time but I feel like I should say it more. The last decade of information manipulation has been godawful, and there were certain groups of people (NOT the high-profile white "disinfo experts") who stepped up and threw in to help
They gave it their all and we fought this mess together, and we are still fighting. Those groups were made up of a lot of different people but mainly they were people who weren't white, and furries, and trans people. I swore up and down that if we ever got out of this mess I would forever give
credit where it was due, and trans folks stepped up alongside the furry contingent and helped gather and debunk harmful disinformation. You know who couldn't be bothered at all? TERFs. Not one single one did anything but double down on their own bullshit in the name of "facts" and "feminism"
you never need to apologize for supporting trans rights. 🤗 it’s always morally correct. 🤗
What about trans wrongs? Like I think we should be allowed to have those little throwing pop it's at airports
I can only encourage this behaviour if this is what being on one means for you. 💜
whatever it is it’s good shit brooke
It's just like trying to gatekeep abortion. Dislike one particular type of abortion? It doesn't matter. Being all in on bodily autonomy protects us all from these creepos and whatever new exciting thing they will use against us all.
EXACTLY. Right wingers have asked me for years: so you just want abortion on demand? Sure do, pal! Mind your own business!
Safe, legal, and as common as it needs to be. Now fuck off!
If they really cared about lowering abortion rates, they would promote birth control and comprehensive sex ed and support parents and parents-to-be.
This might well be the least controversial take in the history of the internet. I don't mean that as any kind of criticism, it's just so self-evident that the fact that it needs to be said at all is entirely absurd.
I was thinking that "as common as needed" could actually be *less common* if these shits actually put literally anything into supporting parents and kids. Anyone should be able to get an abortion, full fucking stop, but no one should feel they *have* to have one because they don't have the resources
Yeah, given that they don't want abortion, and say life begins at , they don't seem too interested in supporting what happens after the birth.
I have been screaming to the hills about "safe, legal, and rare" for decades. I *hate* that framing. Anything that implies abortion is anything other than a safe, effective, and GOOD medical procedure that SAVES LIVES is just bullshit.
abortion is a goddamn miracle. it should be widely available & free, just like all healthcare. 😤
I love the use of “on-demand” … like how else should it be? You need care, you get care on demand. It’s not like we can schedule these things months in advance.
This. Whatever next: - 'We can schedule you an x-ray and a leg cast for July 14th - yes, I know you haven't broken your leg but we're not going to, like, provide care ON DEMAND! That would be madness! Also, would you like some chemotherapy next week? We've got a slot free and a quota to meet.'
One of the shittiest things about abortion discourse in the US is this idea that b/c we CAN reduce unwanted pregnancies, it's easy and thus getting abortion is lazy/cheating and the on-demand framing is part of that, and it gets unwary people very easily.
Of course abortion is going to be on-demand! Even if it is the most tragic, unexpected abortion, you can't plan it! But the implication is that if lazy sluts were careful and planned, they'd never need the on-demand abortion.
Yup. If a pregnant person and their doc agree to perform an abortion and it's safe, I'm cool with it. (I also firmly believe 95% of those abortions will happen in the first trimester if they are free and easy but that's a different thing) It's not my life, it's not my decision.
I always think back to that video of the old redneck from North Carolina opining on how, sure, he thinks it's weird that people want to transition, but what the fuck business is it of his if it makes them happy?
kemmer lol love a deep-cut LeGuin reference
I fucking love her more every year, her Hainish cycle in particular has aged so well. And I'm so stoked you got it but figured Bsky would 🥰
They're all absolutely gems. I gotta super recommend The Dispossessed
read that one! literally, revolutionary literature 😚👌
LHOD rewrote my brain's boot sector on some level and I appreciate all of you so much
They want to be able to institutionalize women for exercising autonomy again and they get it by going through trans people first.
I've arrived at the logical conclusion that only reason to let people transition is... because they want to. That's it. In a point of fact it's their choice, so let them choose. If you don't like people's choices, well, be glad you still have your ability to make your own, just like they did.
The next logical step (which some people I really respect argue here) is that treatments like breast augmentation should be covered for cis people as well - discrediting the “cosmetic” terminology
bodily autonomy is bodily autonomy. give gymbros T gel and make sure their levels are safe. fuck it. who cares! if more testosterone makes someone happy why should we let the ghost of Richard Fucking Nixon get in the way?
Libertarians: “People should be allowed to live as they please.” Also Libertarians: “Wait, no. Not like that!”
"Let people be what they want to be" is what conservatives claim to want! The subtext, of course, is "for me and not for thee."
It's already happening, even! Transvestigators and their ilk pick on kids, etc, anyone who isn't performing woman correctly, trans is just their relatively new accusation for it. It was always such a transparent con.
Exactly!! And that tradwife nonsense is supposed to model the only acceptable way to be a woman