Jack Guignol

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Jack Guignol


Dolorous Exhumation Press | Tales of the Grotesque and Dungeonesque blog | co-host of the Bad Books for Bad People podcast | linktr.ee/Misterguignol
I love how lyric sites on the internet will render the most gut-wrenching scream you've ever heard on a track as "ah!"
I drove 45 minutes (both ways!) to see Kinds of Kindness and have zero regrets. Yorgos Lanthimos fuckin' does it again. I laughed out loud many times and it also managed to be a better horror movie than most of the stuff that gets billed as horror. Fuckin' great, man.
I get the sense that there a lot of people active on Goodreads and do mostly mid to low ratings because their hobby isn't reading, it's turning their nose up at books to perform how smart or "tasteful" they are.
Whenever I see a Goodreads user whose reviews are mostly 3 stars or lower, I assume they’re really bad at book selection. I feel like solid 80-90% of books I read are good, great, or at the very least fun and it’s because I am good at sniffing out books I’d like and know who to take recs from
It's weird to see people saying "Oh, I knew HE was an abuser for years" in a bragging tone. Like wow yeah man, you had the dirt, kinda wish you had told more people about it tbh.
Prediction: in a month, Kendrick Lamar will announce that Not Like Us: The Movie is now in production and is set to open on Millie Bobby Brown's birthday
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President Biden has a strong record on child care. Why are the administration and advocates pushing the narrative towards employer-sponsored child care instead? In the aftermath of the debate, my new piece urges a message recalibration before it's too late. katiealbitz.substack.com/p/recalibrat...
Recalibrating our 2024 child care messagekatiealbitz.substack.com Let's change the narrative before it's too late
Reposted byAvatar Jack Guignol
In my new post, I shy away from highlighting direct quotes on child care from Biden because I wanted to talk about the talking points behind them. But in both answers, you can see him grasping to get to points about economic growth and employer-sponsored care. It deadens an already weak answer.
Reposted byAvatar Jack Guignol
The four "modes" of Depeche Mode: indignant, horny, holy, suicidal
Once more for the night crowd: DEMONOID PHENOMENON, the newest supplement for PLANET MOTHERFUCKER (the Only Post-Apocalyptic RPG That Matters) is out just in time for the Fourth of July! www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/4...
There should be a chav pope No I will not explain that further
I've had a couple people ask me if I'm going to submit my stories to mags, but from what I can tell from social media getting published means doing stuff like getting a job at Missile co., taking shots at Brandon Sanderson (who I've never read), and saying stuff like "911 was good, actually"
Whenever JKR talks about an irl interaction she had, I just hear "Yeah, my girlfriend is uhhh Canadian, you wouldn't know her but she's definitely real."
*norman rockwell meme* i would not suddenly start talking about bepenised lesbians with random colleagues
Here's my reading tally for June. Not very impressive because I got absolutely bogged down in 900+ pages of Wolves of the Calla: Agatha Christie, There is a Tide Russell Kirk, Old House of Fear Stephen King, Wolves of the Calla Phyllis A. Whitney, Hunter's Green
On a day like today, I sure am glad I booted that Supreme Court fanboy from my discord a while back
There's a kind of joy in watching the only guy I've seen defending the Gatsby Simplifier reply-guying away with tons of typos. I know typos don't indicate anything about brains, but let me have this.
Reposted byAvatar Jack Guignol
Periodically, I like to reread my favorite Scottish poem: Batman's Aff His Nut by Robert Florence.
Finished the first complete draft of a story I meant to complete last week. Looks like I've accidentally written a novella.
Whenever I run a one-shot rpg, you can bet that I'm stealing the plot of the last thing I read or watched for it.
Wait wait wait, you're telling me that Dr. Teeth, from the Muppets, is on the new Star Wars show?
I'm more of a Gender Fremen
If I wanted to watch old men argue, I could just go to a local diner and at least get some hashbrowns out of it.
Was gonna watch the debate tonight but then realized I’d rather die 🤷🏻
One of the funniest red flags is when a middle-aged guy takes to social media to say "Spent Father's Day ALONE because my UNGRATEFUL KIDS won't accept my APOLOGY for what happened in the PAST" man, you are telling on yourself.
No one will tell me which team has the prettier uniform, so I haven't picked a side yet. Or even learned what the sides are.
I have two mutuals who are obsessed with the Eternal Bluesky Accusation Implosion and I think they're on opposite sides? Like they're blood enemies? But they don't know each other. Anyway good luck to both teams
When I was studying Russian, one of my classmates was a Basque separatist who wanted to learn the language so he could broker some sort of arms deal with Russian mobsters. I wonder if he ever got his guns.
You've heard the phrase "kill the cop in your head," but I'd settle for everyone killing the internet pundit in their heads.
Hot take for Free RPG Day: quick start pdfs should be free year round
I don't check in on Bluesky all that much, but when I do it feels like I see a lot of people who pinned their hopes on this site but are kinda miserable hanging out here.